
On 23-24 November 2013 an international colloquium entitled Crétomania was held by the École française d'Athènes. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

N. Momigliano, "From Russia with love: Minoan Crete and the Russian Silver Age"

C. Morris, "Lord of the Dance - Ted Shawn's Gnossienne and its Minoan context"

F. Blakolmer, "The artistic reception of Minoan Crete in the period of Art Déco ... and why Arthur Evans was right"

A. Boucher, "Le paquebot Aramis - une croisière au pays de Minos et de l'Art Déco"

D. Preziosi, "Orthochronicity and its (Dis)contents"

D. Philippides and O. Sgouros, "Identity and Freedom"

R. Beaton, "Οι Μινωίτες στην μεταμοντέρνα κριτική της εθνικής ιστορίας: δύο μυθιστορήματα της Ρέας Γαλανάκη"

R. Galanaki, "Μεγαλώνοντας κοντά στην Κνωσό"

B. E. Burns, "The Great Mother Goddess and Gay Male Identity"