Grants and Fellowships

Mediterranean Archaeological Trust

On 31 January 2014 applications for grants (not normally exceeding £2,000) to assist with the publication, excluding subventions, of archaeological excavation or fieldwork in the Mediterranean world, with possible priority to Bronze Age sites, are due to the Mediterranean Archaeological Trust. Applications comprising a description of the proposed work (maximum 1500 words), a detailed budget, and either 2 references in sealed envelopes or the names of the referees if the references are sent directly by the referees should be sent to Professor Sir John Boardman, Mediterranean Archaeological Trust, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford OX1 2PH, UK or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The importance of the site, your qualifications, other sources of support, and the present or planned status and place of publication should be indicated.