Implantations humaines en milieu littoral Méditerranéen

On 15-17 October 2013 an international conference entitled Implantations humaines en milieu littoral Méditerranéen : facteurs d'installation et processus d'appropriation de l'espace, de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge will be held at the Structure des Espaces du Fort Carré, Antibes. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

T. Fragkopoulou, "Diachronic patterns of human occupation in the South-East coast of Crete"

L. Karali, S. Lambropoulos, and M. Bardani, "The geographic area of Elis through the centuries"

L. Karali and M. Bardani, "Prehistoric habitation in the coastal areas of Peloponnese"

POCA 2013

On 1-3 November 2013 the 13th annual Postgraduates in Cypriot Archaeology (POCA 2013) conference will be held by the University of East Anglia. Further information and registration forms are available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

C. Alexandrou and B. O'Neill, "Examining the chaine operatoire of the Late Cypriot II-IIIA (15th-12th century B.C.) female terracotta figurines: an experimental approach"

C. Constantinou, "Identifying and comparing socio-economic developments in the Neolithic Eastern Mediterranean: a view from Cyprus and the northern Levant"

E. Cory-Lopez, "The sculpting of picrolite during the Middle Chalcolithic period (4th and 5th Millennium BCE)"

M. Dalton, "Digitally rebuilding the Late Chalcolithic cultural heritage of Kissonerga village, Cyprus"

A. Markou, "Pouring like a Mycenaean? The ritual act of pouring libations in the Late Cypriot IIA-IIIA period"

P. Mylona, "Geoarchaeological approach to the habitation system of the PPNA village of Klimonas at Ayios Tychonas: micromorphological characterization of the use of mud brick and its involvement in the stratigraphical formation"

A. Paule, "The Development of Protohistoric Jewellery from Cyprus and the Aegean: an analysis with special reference to signs of cultural interconnections"

E. Souter, "Back to the old ground stone: preliminary thoughts and future research on how ground stone artifact biographies can inform on everyday life in prehistoric Cyprus"

B. Stärz, "Ivory Workshops in Late Bronze Age Cyprus?"

P. Steele, "A linguistic approach to population movements to ancient Cyprus"

N. Pezulla, "Children burials in Cyprus"