Calls for Papers

Land, Territory, and Population

On 8 September 2013 abstracts (250 words) for papers (20 minutes maximum) and posters are due for an international conference entitled Land, Territory, and Population in Ancient Greece: Institutional and Mythical to be held on 23-25 October 2013 at Bellaterra (Barcelona). Paper and panel contributions will be admitted in Catalan, Spanish, English, French, German, and Italian. Further information is available at Contributions are invited addressing the following topics:

Population relationships in the II and I Millenium BC

Legal regulation of foreign relations: The condition of 'foreigner'

Cultural and commercial ties

Land occupation and production: Colonization, foundation of cities, and land distribution; Different degrees of access to land tenure

Migration movements

In Poseidons Realm 19

On 31 October 2013 abstracts (250 words maximum) are due for the conference In Poseidons Realm XIX: Life by water and waterside, to be held on 21-23 March 2014 at the Pfahlbaumuseum, Unteruhldingen, Bodensee. Conference papers will be published in Skyllis. Further information is available at

BANEA 2014

On 31 October 2013 paper, poster, and workshop proposals are due for the 2014 Annual Conference of the British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA 2014), to be held on 9-11 January 2014 at the University of Reading. Further information is available at or from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Proposals for themed workshops of half day or whole day duration are invited; key topics will include:

Sustainability and resilience

Access and networks

Social identity, power, and governance

New agendas in landscape archaeology

Near Eastern archaeology in the contemporary world

Other current research themes

Excavation and survey reports

Pasiphae 8 (2014)

On 31 December 2013 manuscripts are due for the 8th volume (2014) of Pasiphae: Rivista di filologia e antichità egee, an annual international journal containing philological, epigraphic, historical, and archaeological studies of the Aegean civilizations, especially of the Minoan and Mycenaean world; articles will also be welcomed on the relations between the Minoan and Mycenaean world and the contemporary Mediterranean civilizations (Cyprus, the Anatolian and Syro-Palestinian coasts, Egypt and the Western Mediterranean) as well as papers on the Mycenaean heritage in the Greek world of the 1st millennium B.C. For the contents of the first six volumes (2007-2012), see; further information is available at Contributions must be e-mailed to Anna Sacconi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Authors are invited to send their original manuscripts for publication in the digital relaunch of Minos, to be published starting in 2014 in two annual issues (May and November) as a double-blind peer-reviewed journal in electronic format. With a multidisciplinary approach, Minos will publish articles and reviews of books on writing in the scripts of the Aegean area, particularly Linear B (the original focus of the journal), and also on archaic epic. Further information is available at