Future Lectures and Conferences

Mycenaean Seminar in Athens

The schedule of the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens has been announced for 2013-2014. Lectures will be held at the Central Building of the University of Athens (Panepistimiou 30). Speakers and titles will be announced subsequently.

31 October 2013

28 November 2013

19 December 2013

29 January 2014

20 February 2014

27 March 2014

30 April 2014

29 May 2014

Explaining change in Aegean prehistory

On 17-18 October 2013 a symposium entitled Explaining change in Aegean prehistory will take place at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Further information is available at http://www.archonline.nl/1/post/2013/05/17-18-october-2013-explaining-change-in-aegean-prehistor.html. The program will be:

J. Bintliff, "Long-term developments in southern mainland settlement systems from EH to LH as seen through the lense of regional survey"

W. Gauss and M. Lindblom, "Premycenaean pottery shapes of the Central Aegean: A new resource in development"

E. Gorogianni, "Social complexity in MBA and LBA Cyclades: A view from Ayia Irini"

B. Legarra Herrero, "Tradition and transformation in the burial record of Pre- and Protopalatial Crete"

D. J. Pullen, "Changes in feasting practices from EH II into MH"

J. B. Rutter, "An alternative approach to MH chronology"

S. Voutsaki, "A society in flux: Social change in the MH Argolid"

E. Weiberg, "Early Helladic III: a non-monumental but revitalized social arena?"

T. Whitelaw, "Urbanism in the prehistoric southern Aegean: a comparative perspective on scale, complexity and integration"

C. W. Wiersma, "Building the Bronze Age. Architectural and social change on the Greek mainland from EH III to LH I"

LM IIIB Pottery

On 24-25 October 2013 an international workshop entitled How long is a century? Late Minoan IIIB pottery: Relative chronology and regional differences will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Further information is available at http://www.uclouvain.be/432969.html. The program will be:

C. Langohr, "Introduction: Late Minoan IIIB pottery at Malia and Sissi: assessing local ceramic sequence, regional traditions, and interaction networks"

B. Hallager, "The LM IIIB settlements at Khania"

E. Hatzaki, "Knossos Little Palace North in a Knossian and Cretan context: the LM III stratigraphical, architectural, and ceramic sequence"

J. Rutter, "Late Minoan IIIB at Kommos: an abundance of deposits, a dearth of clear sub-phases, and probably a gradual desertion of the site "

A. L. D'Agata, "Aghia Triada in LM IIIB: A ceremonial center of Late Minoan III Crete"

F. Nezeri, "The 'Armenoi workshop': Local ceramic sequence and regional tradition from the LM III Cemetery at Armenoi Rethymnon"

T. Cunningham, "Palaikastro Period XVI: the settlement and its ceramics in LM IIIB"

A. Smith, "Pottery from the Late Minoan III cemetery at Myrsini Aspropilia"

A. Kanta, Historical pointers from new evidence. The situation in central Crete during LM IIIB"

On 11-13 November 2013 The 18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
 (CHNT 18 2013) will be held in Vienna. Further information is available at http://www.stadtarchaeologie.at/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

I. Trinks and A. Vlachopoulos, "3D digital documentation of the ancient town of Akrotiri on Thera/Santorini"

N. Albertini, A. M. Jasink, and B. Montecchi, "Digital acquisition and modeling of the Minoan seals and sealings kept in two Italian museums"

L. Bombardieri and A. M. Jasink, "SHERD (Secure Heritage, Exhibition, Research and Didactics). Towards a DigiDactic Museum"

G. Dionisio and P. Kruklidis, "The Trojan War myth as a didactic project: Innovative proposals for the understanding of the history"

ASOR 2013

On 20-23 November 2013 the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) will take place in Baltimore, MD. Contact and registration information, a full program, and the abstract book are available at http://www.asor.org/am/index.html. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

E. Arie and I. Finkelstein, "New Light on the Destruction of Egypto-Canaanite Megiddo and the Sea Peoples"

W. Weir, "Digging on the Edge: Archaeology and Conservation at Kourion, Cyprus"

L. Atici and B. Erdoğu, "Neolithization of Europe: New Evidence from Uğurlu Höyük, Gökçeada, Turkey"

R. Bains, "Technology, Identity, and Symbolism: Neolithic Stone Bead Technologies at Çatalhöyük, Turkey"

C. Bergoffen, "A Cypro-Levantine MB-LB Koine Style: Bird and Palm Kraters and the Influence of Palatial Art"

A. M. Maeir, "The 2013 Season at Tell es-Safi/Gath: An Update on Recent Discoveries and Research"

L. Hitchcock, "Who Are You Calling a Philistine? The University of Melbourne Excavations at Tell es-Safi/Gath"

B. Janeway, "Cultural Transition as Reflected in the Aegean Pottery at Tel Tayinat"

J. Verduci, "A Feather in Your Cap: Symbols of Philistine Warrior Status"

A. Simmons, "An Archaeological Paradox...Why Is It So Hard to Document Pre-Neolithic Sites in the Mediterranean: A Case Study from Cyprus"

K. DiBenedetto, "Examining the Cattle Hiatus on Cyprus During the Chalcolithic"

A. McCarthy, "Ghosts of the Dhiarizos: Death and Burial at Prehistoric Prastio Mesorotsos"

B. Knapp, "Seafaring and Seafarers: the Case for Late Bronze Age Cyprus"

L. Gagné, "Non-conformity, Experimentation, or Learning: Challenging the Definition of Åström's White Painted Cross Line Style 4 and White Painted VI Coarse Linear Style"

C. Kearns, "First-Millennium B.C. Landscape Change in the Vasilikos and Maroni Valleys of Cyprus"

G. Gilmour, "Standing Stones, Baetyls and Other Cultic Elements at Idalion, Cyprus, and Relations with Anatolia and the Southern Levant in the First Millennium BCE"

T. Carter, "The Consumption of Obsidian at Neolithic Çatalhöyük: A Long-Term Perspective"

M. Toumazou, D. Counts, N. Kardulias, E. Walcek Averett, C. Cofer, and J. Gordon, "Athienou Archaeological Project, 2013: Investigations at Athienou-Malloura, Cyprus"

M. B. Toffolo, A. Fantalkin, and E. Boaretto, "Radiocarbon Dating the Aegean Iron Age: Towards an Absolute Chronology"

S. Ben-Dor Evian, "'Sea-People' in the North: New Insights from Medinet Habu"

S. Ferrara, "Unknown Origin? Assessing the Significance of Writing in Multi-Cultural Contexts on Cyprus and in Syria at the End of the Bronze Age"