Calls for Papers

The Past for Sale?

On 15 February 2013 abstracts for poster presentations, research papers, demonstrations, workshops, roundtables, organized sessions, and symposia are due for an international conference entitled The Past for Sale? The Economic Entanglements of Cultural Heritage, to be on 15-17 May 2013 at UMass Amherst. Further information is available at Abstracts should address one of the themes of tourism, urban revitalization, or archaeological looting, the antiquities market, and its costs. Specific topics under these themes may include:

The role of heritage in economic development

Negotiating the relationship between outsiders and stakeholders in economic development projects

Assessing the value of intangible cultural heritage

The complexities of repatriating museum artifacts

The impacts of tourism on historic sites and landscapes

Changes brought about through the revitalization of urban centers

The Disneyification of heritage sites: the balancing of profit, entertainment, and education

The unique challenges of heritage management in developing countries

The issues surrounding archaeological looting and/or the antiquities market

AIA 2014

On 10 March 2013 (24 March with $25 fee) proposals for workshops, colloquia including joint AIA/APA colloquia, undergraduate submissions, and any open-session submissions needing an early decision to acquire a visa or obtain funding are due for the 2014 Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, be held on 2-5 January 2014 in Chicago, IL. On 4 August 2013 (18 August with $25 fee) abstracts are due for all other workshops, open session papers and posters, and any provisionally accepted colloquia that are resubmitting. On 10 November 2013 submissions for roundtable and lightning sessions are due. Submission forms and further information are available at

Chicago TAG 2013

On 15 March 2013 abstracts (300 words maximum) are due for the conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (Chicago TAG 2013) on the theme of "Vision", to be held on 9-11 May 2013 at the University at Chicago. Further information, including a list of approved sessions, is available at

Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies

A new quarterly archaeological journal has been announced, the Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies. Articles (not more than 20–25 manuscript pages or ca. 6,000–7,000 words) should be submitted to Dr. Ann E. Killebrew (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); further information is available from Articles are invited from all varieties of professionals working on the past cultures of the modern countries bordering the Eastern Mediterranean Sea; a broad range of topics are welcomed, including, but by no means limited to:

Excavation and survey field results

Landscape archaeology and GIS

Underwater archaeology

Archaeological sciences and archaeometry

Material culture studies


Social archaeology

Conservation and heritage studies

Cultural heritage management

Sustainable tourism development

New technologies/virtual reality