Past Lectures and Conferences

Theoretical Archaeology Seminar in Athens

On 18 October 2012 the Theoretical Archaeology Seminar in Athens entitled "ʽSocial Complexityʼ in Archaeology" was held at the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens. Led by D. Smith and S. o' Brien, this seminar explored the potential and the limitations of new approaches to 'social complexity', using the societies of the Late Bronze Age in the Aegean as its evidential base. Further information is available at

Mycenaean Seminar in Athens

On 11 November 2012 H. Andrikou delivered a lecture to the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens entitled "Palatial and Post-Palatial Thebes: A look through the excavation of the Linear B archive at Pelopidou St."

Aegean Seminar in Zagreb

On 20 November 2012 A. Sampson delivered a lecture to the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb entitled "Mesolitihic and Neolithic Aegean: The Early Prehistory." Further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Distribution of Technological Knowledge

On 23-25 November 2013 an international conference entitled The Distribution of Technological Knowledge in the Production of Ancient Mediterranean Pottery will be held at the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Athens. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. Hein and S. Prillwitz, "Kilns and Firing Technology in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age: Evidence from Tiryns and Comparable Kiln Sites"

I. Berg, "Skill and Learning Networks: Acquisition, Maintenance, and Transmission of Technological Knowledge in Bronze Age Aegean"

A. Killebrew, "Early Philistine Aegean-Style Pottery Technology: Implications for the Transmission of Technical Knowledge during the Late Bronze – Early Iron Age Transition in the Eastern Mediterranean"

A. Jacobs, "Plain Ware Technology: Mass Production and Regionalism in Late Bronze Age Cyprus"

W. Gauß, E. Kiriatzi, and M. Lindblom, "Ceramic Technology Transfer in the Middle and Early Late Bronze Age at Kolonna, Kythera, and Lerna"

J. B. Rutter, "Ceramic Technology in Rapid Transition: The Evidence from Settlement Deposits of the Shaft Grave Era at Tsoungiza (Corinthia)"

M. Choleva, B. Lis, and Š. Rückl, "Mobility in the Bronze Age Aegean: The Case of Aeginetan Potters"

E. Kiriatzi, "Technological Transfer and Craftspeople Mobility in Late Bronze Age Mediterranean: Beyond the Distinction of Local or Imported 'Mycenaean' Pottery"

S. Strack, "The Post-palatial World of Potting: Regional Responses to Changing Social Frameworks"

E. Borgna and S. T. Levi, "Handmade and Plain Wares in Late Bronze Age Italy and the Aegean: A Comparative Evaluation of their Technology, Modes of Production, and Social Contexts"