1912-2012. A Century of Research in Prehistoric Macedonia

On 22-24 November 2012 an international conference entitled 1912-2012. A Century of Research in Prehistoric Macedonia will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Further information is available at http://macedonia.prehistoric-conference.com. The program will be:

A. Rhomiopoulou, "Prehistoric research in Macedonia during the 20th century. Pre-excavation/systematic research programmes. The contribution of foreign scientists"

G. Chourmouziades, "Archaeological research in northern Greece and the historical content of prehistory"

A. Papaeuthimiou-Papanthimou, "The contribution of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the research of prehistory in northern Greece"

D. Grammenos, "New museology and contemporary archaeological theory"

R. Treuil, "Un siècle de recherches à Dikili Tash"

K. A. Wardle, "The contribution of the British School at Athens and its members to prehistoric research in Northern Greece, 1912-2012"

N. Galanidou and N. Eustratiou, "Neanderthals in Macedonia"

A. Darlas, "In search of the identity of Petralona cave and its importance for the Greek and European prehistory"

K. Trimmis and G. Lazaridis, "In search of lost time. The historiography of archaeological research in the caves of Macedonia"

S. Papadopoulos and N. Nerantzis, "Research on the Prehistory of Thasos: 1922-2012"

A. Shapland, "The British Salonica Force in Macedonia, 1915-1919"

M. Pappa, "The work of W.A. Heurtley in Macedonia through the archives of the Archaeological Service"

D. Kokkinidou and M. Nikolaidou, "From Marija Gimbutas to gender archaeology: myth, discourse and counter-discourse in Macedonian prehistory"

G. Maniatis, "Dating with carbon-14 of the major cultural changes in prehistoric Macedonia: recent advances"

D. Urem-Kotsou, "Neolithic communities through vessels: Central Macedonia from Early to Late Neolithic"

A. Dimoula, A. Pentedeka, and K. Filis, "Lete. The pottery of a Neolithic site in Macedonia after 100 years"

I. Mauroeidi, "Early Bronze Age in Macedonia. A synthetic re-approach of archaeological data"

I. Aslanis, "The Middle Bronze Age in Macedonia"

E. Vliora and S. Andreou, "Pottery consumption and intra-site organization at the end of LBA in Macedonia"

S. Gimatzidis and B. Hänsel, "The Toumba of Kastanas in the Early Iron Age"

A. Κοτσώνας, "Why was there no Dark Age in Macedonia?"

S. Kotsos, "Settlement and habitation during 6th millennium in western Thessaloniki and Langada province"

Ch. Ziota, "The settlement of Kleitos 1 in the broader natural and anthropogenic environment of the late Neolithic period"

G. Stratouli, N. Katsikaridis, T. Bekiaris, and V. Tzevelekidi, "Integrating the past, determining the present, establishing the future: identification and interpretation of structured deposition at the Neolithic settlement of Avgi in Kastoria in Northern Greece"

S. Chatzitoulousis, A. Sianos, G. Stavridopoulos, and K. Touloumis, "Enclosed world: a discussion about enclosures in prehistoric Macedonia based on Dispilio, Kastoria"

A. Chondrogianni-Metoki, "Architectural forms of prehistory in the valley along the middle reaches of the Aliakmon river"

I. Vajsov, H. Todorova, C. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, I. Aslanis, and M. Valla, "Geophysical Investigation and Archaeological Reality in the Neolithic Site Promachon-Topolnitsa"

E. Kalogeropoulou, "Looking for social identities: the contribution of thermal structures to the organisation of space in Neolithic Macedonia"

N. Merousis, "Community space and social relationships in Macedonia during the Bronze Age: a synthesis attempt"

A. Papaeuthymiou-Papanthimou and E. Papadopoulou, "The Prehistoric settlement of Archontiko Giannitson"

E. Stefani, "Human labor and community works in Late Bronze Age Macedonia"

S. M. Valamoti, "Αrchaeobotanical investigations in prehistoric northern Greece"

K. Kouli, "Vegetation dynamics in Macedonia during the middle Holocene: human impact versus climate change"

Μ. Ντίνου, "Natural vegetation and prehistoric communities in Macedonia, Greece. A synthesis of wood charcoal analysis results"

E. Veropoulidou, "Aspects of Neolithic and Bronze Age diet and material culture in Central Greek Macedonia: the evidence from shell analysis"

V. Tzevelekidi, V. Isaakidou, and P. Halstead, "Invitation to dinner: animal bone consumption and deposition at Makriyalos in Pieria and Toumba Kremastis-Koiladas in Kozani"

D. Kontopoulou, E. Aidona, K. Euthymiades, C. Rathossi, G. Fanjat, and E. Tema, "Intensity of the Earth's magnetic field in Prehistoric Macedonia: a multidisciplinary approach for material selection"

C. Papageorgopoulou, "Genetic Approaches to the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in Greece"

G. Varoufakis, "From the Neolithic period (museum of Volos) to the era of Derveni krater: Video movie"

S. Andreou, "Bronze Age research in Macedonia: a synopsis"

H. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, "Early Iron Age research in Macedonia: questions and perspectives"

D. Urem-Kotsou, A. Papaioannou, T. Papadakou, N. Saridaki, and Z. Intze, "Early and Middle Neolithic pottery in Macedonia"

P. Yiouni, "Clay recipes and ceramic production of the Late Neolithic settlements in East Macedonia"

D. Malamidou, "Human identities and decorated clay pots during Late Neolithic in northern Greece. Examples from the 'black-on-red' pottery tradition"

D. Margomenou and M. Roumpou, "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Prehistoric Storage Technologies and Practices: The Northern Greek Storage Project"

E. Voulgari, "Images and narratives from the decorated sherds of Neolithic Dispilio"

G. Deliopoulos, G. Papadias, and A. Papaeuthymiou-Papanthimou, "The pottery tradition during the late phases of the Early Bronze Age in Macedonia"

G. Karamitrou-Mentesidi, "About Neolithic sites and figurine art in western Macedonia"

S. Nanoglou, "The representation of humans and animals in prehistoric Macedonia"

K. Kourtessi-Philipaki, "Lithics in the prehistory of Macedonia: an historical and methodological approach"

O. Palli, "Quartz as raw material for lithics in prehistoric Macedonia"

O. Kakvakis, "In search of social networks during the Neolithic Period in Macedonia (Northern Greece): the case of chipped stone industries"

M. Nikolaidou and F. Ifantidis, "The journeys of Neolithic Spondylus: A chronicle of research in the prehistoric Aegean"

R. Christidou, "The structure and function of the bone industries of the Μiddle Bronze Age. Examples from southern Albania and western Macedonia"

Ch. Tsagouli, "Music in prehistoric societies. The case of Dispilio Kastoria"

C. Oberweiler, G. Touchais, and P. Lera, "Parallel stories: the contribution of the French-Albanian excavations of Korçë basin (Southeast Albania) to the Prehistory of western Macedonia"

T. Krapf, "The Late Bronze Age pottery of Macedonia: comparisons with the plain of Korçë"

A. Papazovska Sanev, "Mali Dol- necropolis from the transitional period, XII-XΙ cent. B.C."

D. Mitrevski, "Skopje Fortress in the Prehistory"

M. Gori, S. Oikonomidis, A. Papagiannis, and A. Tsonos, "Social structures and interaction modalities between Macedonia and the adjacent areas during the Bronze Age"

K. Touloumis, "The archaeologists and the archeo-'logoi': The identities of the scholars, the 'discourses' and their re-contextualization in the Prehistoric Archaeology of Macedonia"

A. Chourmouziadi, "Τhank god, our wreaths bear thorns"

Presentation of the book of Demetra Kokkinidou, Women in Archaeology. Histories in the dusk

M. Sofronidou, "Pottery from Dispilio Kastoria"

A. Georgiadou and A. Lagoudi, "Late Bronze Age vessel shapes from Apsalos Almopia"

D. Isaakidou, "The stratigraphic sequence of the south sector of the prehistoric settlement of Archontiko"

A. Chrysostomou, "The prehistoric settlement at Agras, Edessa"

B. Horejs and R. Jung, "The excavation in the mound of prehistoric Olynthus (Toumba Agios Mamas)"

I. Aslanis, "The Middle Bronze Age in prehistoric Olynthus (Toumba Agios Mamas)"

M. Chadou and S. Lyhna, "The lithics of Heliotops, a prehistoric site in eastern Langada"

G. Kazantzis, "The zooarchaeology of the late Neolithic valley of Strymonas: the case of the Greek sector of the settlement Promachonas-Topolnica"

G. Vlachodimos, "Enhancement of the archaeological site of Toumba Thessaloniki"