Grants and Fellowships


On 1 November 2012 applications are due to the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) for 2013 New or Renewal Research Grants, the Post-Doctoral Fellowship, the SCEC Librarian Fellowship, the Petrography Internship at SCEC, Six-Week Research Grants at SCEC, and the Richard Seager Doctoral Fellowship at SCEC. Applications for Publication Team Support and Publication Subventions have no specific due dates. Further information and applications are available at; applications can now be submitted via e-mail as MS WORD documents or fillable PDF forms.

Tytus Scholars

On 15 January 2013 applications are due for the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program at the University of Cincinnati, Classics Department in the fields of archaeology, history, or philology, tenable during the academic year 2013-2014. Tytus Fellows will ordinarily be at least five years beyond receipt of the PhD, and will come to Cincinnati to pursue their own research. The minimum and maximum terms for Long Term Fellows are one academic quarter (two and a half months) to one academic year; Short Term Fellows will reside in Cincinnati for one to two months. Both categories of Tytus Fellows receive housing, a transportation allowance, and office space, as well as the use of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College Libraries; a monthly stipend of $1,000 is additionally provided for Long Term Fellows.

On 15 February 2013 applications are due for the Tytus Summer Residency Program at the University of Cincinnati, Classics Department in the fields of archaeology, history, or philology, tenable for one to three months during the summer of 2013; summer fellows receive free university housing, office space, and the use of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College Libraries. Further information is available from the Director, Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0226; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; or from the website at, where application forms are also available.

Mediterranean Archaeological Trust

On 31 January 2013 applications for grants (not normally exceeding £2,000) to assist with the publication of archaeological excavation or fieldwork in the Mediterranean world, with possible priority to Bronze Age subjects, are due to the Mediterranean Archaeological Trust. Applications comprise a description of the proposed work (maximum 1500 words), an outline budget, and either two references in a sealed envelope or the names of the referees if the references are sent directly by the referees. Applications should be sent to Professor Sir John Boardman, Mediterranean Archaeological Trust, Classics Centre, 66 St. Giles, Oxford OX1 3LU, G.B. Additional information is available at: