Future Lectures and Conferences

The Mediterranean Mirror

On 6-8 October 2012 an international post-doc and young researchers conference entitled The Mediterranean Mirror: Cultural Contacts in the Mediterranean Sea between 1200 and 750 B.C. will take place in Heidelberg. Further information is available at http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/fakultaeten/philosophie/zaw/ufg/MM2012/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

D. Panagiotopoulos, "Adjusting the Compass. The Quest for Mediterranean Paradigms"

S. Sherratt, "Cyprus and the Near East: Cultural Contacts, 1200-750 BC"

A. Balboa, "Cypro-Phoenician Interaction in the Iron Age"

F. J. Núñez Calvo, "Phoenician Early Iron Age Ceramic Interaction Dynamics"

A. Georgiou, "The 'Crisis Years' in Cyprus Revisited"

E. Konstantinidi-Syvridi, "Mycenaean Recurrences in Art and the Circulation of People, Crafts and Ideas in the Aegean (1200-750 BC)

A. Brysbaert and M. Vetters, "Mirroring the Mediterranean: Self-Image and Artisanal Networking in 12th Century BCE Tiryns"

P. W. Stockhammer, "Levantine and Cypriot Pottery in Mycenaean Greece as Mirrors of Intercultural Contacts"

V. Samaras, "Piracy in Aegean during the Post-palatial Period and the Early Iron Age"

M. Bettelli, "Centuries of Darkness? Italy and Aegean after the Collapse of the Mycenaean Palaces"

A. Schiappelli, "Along the Routes of Pithoi in the Late Bronze Age, Between Southern Italy and the Mediterranean-Aegean World"

A. Yener, "Vassals and Adversaries: Mitannians, Hittites and Alalakh"

M. Yon, "La Fête au Proche-Orient: Le cas d'Ougarit au Bronze Récent final"