Cult and Ritual on the Levantine Coast

On 24-27 October 2012 a conference entitled Cult and Ritual on the Levantine Coast and Its Impact on the Eastern Mediterranean Realm will take place in Beirut. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

G. Bourogiannis, "Aspects of Phoenician cult in the Early Iron Age Aegean: the case of the Dodecanese"

A. Caubet, "Faire la fête au Ier millénaire: le cas de Chypre"

M. H. Feldman, "Speaking Bowls: Early Iron Age Levantine Metal Bowls and the Ritualization of Inscribed Memory and Identity"

S. Fourrier, "Cultic lay-out and accessories in the Iron Age Bamboula sanctuary (Kition, Cyprus) and their relationship to Levantine counterparts"

C. Ioannou, "La présence religieuse des Phéniciens à Kition"

V. Karageorghis, "The use of 'cultic' vessels in Cyprus and the Levant during the LBA"

N. Kourou, "Phoenician funerary practices beyond the Homeland: Some examples from the Aegean"

H. Matthäus, "Phoenicians in the Aegean. Their impact on Greek art, religion and mythology"

M. Mikrakis, "Ritual imagery in the Lyre-Player Group of Seals: Cypro-Phoenician affinities"