On 11-14 December 2012 PHYSIS. 14ème rencontre égéenne internationale will be held in Paris. Further information is available at The program will be:

S. Andreou, "Aegean Prehistory and the Study of the Natural Environment: A Late Beginner, But a Quick Learner"

S. Apostolakou, P. Betancourt, T. Brogan, D. Mylona, and C. Sofianou, "Tritons Revisited. The Transformation of Nature into Food, Tool and Symbol in Minoan Crete"

K. Athanasaki, "Minoan Quarryscapes in Central Crete. From Stone Deposits to Commodities"

J. Bintliff, "Population Dynamics and the Sustainability of Prehistoric Societies in the Aegean"

F. Blakolmer, "Minoan 'Landscape Rooms' and Peak Sanctuaries"

H. Blitzer, "Olive Domestication and Cultivation in the Prehistoric Aegean"

A. Boleti, É. Moréro, and H. Procopiou, "Physis et Technai: le cas des matières minérales en Crète minoenne"

M. Bredaki, E. Greco, F. Longo, V. Amato, A. Rossi, M. Ghilardi, D. Psomiadis, L. Sinibaldi, and M. Colleu, "Researches for the Reconstruction of the Ancient Landscape at Phaistós (Crete)"

G. Cadogan, "Water Worries and Water Works in Bronze Age Southern Crete"

A. P. Chapin, B. Davis, L. A. Hitchcock, and E. Banou, "The Vapheio Tholos Tomb and the Construction of a Symbolic Landscape in Laconia, Greece"

M. G. Clinton, S. C. Murray, and T. F. Tartaron, "GIS in Action: Analyzing an Early Bronze Age Coastal Landscape on the Saronic Gulf"

A. Creuzieux, A. Gardeisen, and E. Stefani, "L'exploitation du monde animal en Grèce septentrionale au cours du Bronze Récent: l'exemple du site d'Angelohori Imathias (Macédoine, Grèce)"

A. L. D'Agata and S. De Angelis, "Minoan Beehives: Reconstructing the Practice of Bee-Keeping in Bronze Age Crete"

P. Darcque, H. Koukouli-Chryssanthaki, D. Malamidou, Z. Tsirtsoni, L. Lespez, and C. Germain-Vallée, "L'impact des changements environnementaux sur le peuplement néolithique: le cas de Dikili Tash (Grèce du Nord)"

O. Decavallas, "Huiles végétales dans des poteries néolithiques égéennes: preuves chimiques de l'exploitation de plantes oléagineuses et la question des productions 'précoces' d'huiles"

K. Demakopoulou, E. Margaritis, and A.-L. Schallin, "Diet and Agricultural Production – The Economic Choices of the LH Inhabitants at Midea"

C. Doumas, "Le paysage côtier de la région d'Akrotiri, Théra, avant l'éruption volcanique du Bronze Récent"

G. Ferentinos, M. Geraga, M. Gkioni, and G. Papatheodorou, "The Study of Climatic Changes and their Importance on Delineating the Human Cultural Evolution: A Case Study From Southern Balkan Peninsula"

J. M. Flood and J. S. Soles, "Water Management in Neopalatial Crete and the Development of the Mediterranean Dry-Season"

K. P. Foster, "Fur and Feathers in Aegean Art"

J. Foufopoulos and D. Margomenou, "Exotic Encounters in the Aegean: Elucidating the Impact of Human Agency on Species Distributions and Habitats since Prehistoric Times"

M. Galaty, W. Parkinson, and D. Pullen, "Mycenaean–scapes: Geography, Political Economy, and the Eastern Mediterranean World-System"

F. Georma, A. Karnava, and I. Nikolakopoulou, "The Natural World and its Representations: A View from Akrotiri, Thera"

S. Jusseret, "Holocene Sediment Dynamics on Crete: A Review"

V. Kapsimalis, I. Panagiotopoulos, K. Pavlopoulos, and C. Anagnostou, "Middle–Upper Palaeolithic Landscapes of the Cyclades Plateau"

A. Karetsou and R. B. Koehl, "The Cretan Canines of Juktas"

G. Kotzamani and A. Livarda, "Investigating Aspects of Plant Resource Availability and Use: An Archaeobotanical Database for the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Greece"

G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, "Local vs exogène? L'impact du milieu naturel sur la composition des assemblages lithiques néolithiques en Grèce"

A. Krahtopoulou and R. Veropoulidou, "Linking Inland and Coastal Records: Landscape and Human Histories in Pieria, Macedonia, Greece"

O. Krzyskowska, "Cutting to the Chase: Hunting in Minoan Crete"

E. Margaritis, J. Zurbach, N. Kourou, C. Maggidis, G. Startouli, G. Touchais, and A. Philippa-Touchais, "Plants in the Ritual Landscape of Prehistoric and Early Iron Age Greece"

P. Militello, "Wool Production, Linen Exploitation in Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Aegean"

S. Müller Celka, D. Puglisi, and F. Bendali, "Dynamiques de peuplement et exploitation des ressources en Crète entre le Minoen Moyen et le Minoen Récent I: le cas de Malia"

M. Nikolaidou and E. S. Elster, "Hunting, Fishing and Gathering at Sitagroi and Beyond: Strategies of Wild Resource Use in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age"

T. G. Palaima, "Harnessing Phusis: The Ideology of Control and Exploitation of the Natural World as Reflected in Terminology in the Linear B Texts Derived from Indo-European *Bheh2u- 'Grow, Arise, Be' and *H2eg-Ro- 'The Uncultivated Wild Field' and Other Roots Related to the Natural Environs"

R. Palmer, "Managing the Wild: Deer and Agrimia in the Late Bronze Age Aegean"

E. Papatsaroucha, "Minoan Landscapes and their Artistic Representations"

P. Pavuk, M. Pieniazek, and S. Riehl, "Troy and the Troad in the 2nd Millennium: Changing Patterns of Landscape Use"

N. Polychronakou-Sgouritsa and E. Salavoura, "The Exploitation of Inland Natural Resources on an Island Environment: The Case of the Mycenaean Settlement at Lazarides and the South/Southeast Aegina"

C. Rieau, A. Gardeisen, and F. Rivals, "Herd Management during the Bronze Age through Tooth Microwear, the Examples of Angelochori and Archontiko (Macedonia, Greece)"

M. Sidiropoulou, É. Fouache, K. Pavlopoulos, M. Triantaphyllou, K. Vouvalidis, G. Syrides, and E. Greco, "Geomorphological Evolution and Paleoenvironment Reconstruction in the Northeastern Part of Lemnos Island (North Aegean Sea) Greece"

R. A. K. Smith, M. K. Dabney, G. Kotzamani, A. Livarda, G. Tsartsidou, and J. C. Wright, "Plant Use in Mycenaean Mortuary Practice"

E. Stefani and N. Merousis, "Living on the Edge. People and Physis in Prehistoric Imathia, Macedonia, Greece"

T. F. Strasser and A. P. Chapin, "Geological Formations in the Flotilla Fresco From Akrotiri, Thera"

G. Stratouli, A. Sarpaki, M. Ntinou, E. Kotjabopoulou, T. Theodoropoulou, N. H. Andreasen, V. Melfos, and P. Karkanas, "Dialogues Between Bioarchaeological, Geoarchaeological and Archaeological Data: Approaches to Understanding the Neolithic Use of Drakaina Cave, Kephalonia Island, Western Greece"

T. Theodoropoulou, "Excavating the Sea: Recent Advances in Marine Zooarchaeology of Bronze Aegean Aegean"

N. R. Thomas, "A Lion's-Eye View of the Greek Bronze Age"

P. Vaiglova, A. Bogaard, A. Gardeisen, F. Rivals, W. Cavanagh, C. Mee, and J. Renard, "Interpreting Crop and Animal Management Strategies at Neolithic Kouphovouno, Sparti, Greece: Integrating Information from Plant and Animal Isotopes, Microwear Analysis and Archaeo-Botanical and -Zoological Studies"

S. M. Valamoti, "Space Through Time in Neolithic Northern Greece: An Archaeobotanical Approach"

G. van Wijngaarden, "Dealing with Extreme Dynamics. Bronze Age Habitation on Zakynthos, Greece"

R. Veropoulidou, "Molluscan Exploitation and Consumption Practices in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Communities of the Thermaic Gulf, Central Greek Macedonia"

S. Vitale, S. Fox, I. Iliopoulos, C. Mantello, J. E. Morrison, K.-S. Passa, and A. Trecarichi, "Natural Resources and Human Impact on Kos During the Early Bronze Age Period. A Multidisciplinary Investigation of the Evidence from the Prehistoric Site of the Asklupis"

A. Vlachopoulos and L. Zorzos, "Physis and Techne on Thera: Reconstructing Bronze Age Environment and Land-Use Based on New Evidence from Phytoliths and the Akrotiri Wall-Paintings"

L. Vokotopoulos and G. Plath, "The Yield of the Land: Soil Conservation and the Exploitation of Arable Land at Choiromandres, Zakros in the New Palace Period"

E. Weiberg, "Eroding Life Styles? A Survey of Erosion and Sedimentation in the Greek Bronze Age"

J. Weilhartner, "On the Influence of Aegean Iconography on the Design of the Linear B Logograms for Animals, Plants, and Agricultural Products"

J. C. Wright, "The Longue Durée: The Piedmont of the Corinthia and Cycles of Regional Occupation"

A. Yasur Landau and N. Goshen, "The Reformed Mountains: Political and Religious Landscapes in the Aegean and the Levant"

J. G. Younger, "The 'World of People': Landscape and Narrative in Minoan Art"

M. Bajema, "Mycenaean Murals With Repetitive Designs of Natural Motifs: Decoration, Representation or Something Else?"

D. Constantinidis, "Physis and Space: Aegean Bronze Age Depictions and their Architectural Context"

J. L. Crowley, "Images of the Earth in Aegean Art"

M. K. Dabney, "Representations of Fig Cultivation in Aegean Art"

B. Feuer, "Environmental Aspects of the Northern Mycenaean Border in Thessaly"

W. L. Friedrich, A. H. Sørensen, and S. Katsipis, "Santorini Before the Minoan Eruption. Geological, Botanical and Archaeological Evidence"

E. Gemi-Iordanou, "The Secret Language of Flowers: Floral Motifs in Minoan Iconography"

M. Georgiadis and A. Tsaravopoulos, "The Physical Environment and the Beliefs at Leska, a New Peak Sanctuary on Kythera"

M. Gkioni, G. Ferentinos, M. Geraga, and G. Papatheodorou, "Stone Age Sea Faring in the Aegean Sea"

A. Gkotsinas, A. Karathanou, M.-F. Papakonstantinou, and K. Vouvalidis,
 "Approaching Human Activity and Interaction with the Natural Environment through the Archaeobotanical and Zooarchaeological Remains from the Middle Helladic Settlement at Agia Paraskevi, Lamia, Central Greece"

B. R. Jones, "Revisiting and Reconstructing the Figural Landscape Fresco in Room 14 at Hagia Triada"

D. Kriga, "Flora and Fauna Iconography on Strainers and Kymbes at Akrotiri: Theran Ceramic Vessels of Special Use and Special Iconography"

V. Lenuzza, "Waterfalls, Rivers and Streams in the Aegean Art: Hints to the Luxuriant Beauty of Bronze Age Nature or Evocative Glimpses of Divine Landscapes?"

F. Liard, "De l'exploitation des argiles à l'organisation sociétale en Crète minoenne: un seul phénomène, diverses interprétations? Analyse pétrographique de 40 coupelles coniques du Bronze Récent du site de Sissi (plaine de Malia)"

S. Ligkovanlis, "The Exploitation of the Thesprotian Wetlands (NW Greece) during the Middle and the Early Upper Palaeolithic; Different Hominins yet 'Similar' Strategies? Reflections from the Material World"

J. Murphy, "The Wealth of Nature and the Nature of Wealth: Aspects of Pylian Ideologies"

C. Oberweiler, G. Touchais, P. Lera, É. Fouache, S. Desruelles, and M. Magny, "L'impact des facteurs environnementaux sur la dynamique d'implantation des habitats protohistoriques dans le bassin de Korçë (Albanie)"

H. Palaiologou, "Water Management, Climatic and Social Changes and Agriculture in the Plain of Mycenae during the 13th C. B.C. and Later: The Case of Chania"

C. Papoulia, "Confronting the Sea: Navigation Skills in Pre-Modern Human Societies"

V. P. Petrakis, "The Cultural Significances of Insects in the Aegean Bronze Age"

A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, O. Decavallas, A. Gardeisen, M. Ghilardi, E. Margaritis, S. Triantaphyllou, and E. Tsiolaki, "Environnement, alimentation, hygiène et mode de vie dans la Grèce mésohelladique: le cas de l'Aspis d'Argos"

K. Pruckner, "Leaves and Blossoms. On the Occurrence and Distribution of Plant Motifs in Middle and Early Late Helladic Pottery Production"

M. Rousaki, "New Evidence in Minoan Pictorial Wall-Painting. A Fresco with Swallow Depictions from the Knossos Area"

A. Sanavia, "How to Improve on Nature: Some Middle Minoan Tritons Shells from Phaistos"

R. Schon, "The Political Ecology of the Pylian State"

A. Shapland, "After Naturalism: Human-Animal Relations in LMII-III Crete"

P. K. Trimmis, E. Gazmend, and E. Konstantinidou, "Hidden Lives in Strange Environments. The Interaction Between Human Communities and the Cave Environments in the Late Neolithic Aegean Islands"

G. Vavouranakis, "The Changing Significance of Nature within Minoan Society"