Future Lectures and Conferences

Spyridon Marinatos (1901-1974)

On 22-23 June 2012 a symposium will be held on Spyridon Marinatos (1901-1974) at the National and Kapodistriou University of Athens. The program will be:

M. Pantelidou Gofa, "Memories of Marinatos"

S. Alexiou, "Memories of Spyridon Marinatos"

Ch. Doumas, "With Marinatos in Akrotiri"

S. Iakovidis, "Me and Marinatos"

H. Tzavella-Evjen, "Works and Days: Excavations with Marinatos"

Y. Lolos, "From the last period of Spyridon Marinatos's life: Recollections and assessments"

N. Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, "Sp. Marinatos. His presence in the University of Athens (1939 – 1968)"

K. Kopanias, "The teaching of the archaeology of the Near East by Spyridon Marinatos"

O. Palaggia, "Spyridon Marinatos and the restitution of Antiquities removed to Austria and Italy during World War II"

C. Kanellopoulos, "Marinatos and the Middle Pass of Thermopylae"

N. Marinatos, "Minoan co-citizens: Sir Arthur Evans and Spyridon Marinatos"

G. Tzorakis, "Spyridon Marinatos in Crete during the Interwar period: From the earthquake of 1926 to the modernist museum of P. Karantinos"

T. Eliopoulos, "Αrchaeological paralipomena from Eastern Crete. Documents of the period 1931-1944"

Y. Papadatos, "Prepalatial tholos cemeteries in north and east Crete: old problems - new evidence"

L. Platon, "Were the Theran potters the pioneer creators for the 'body' of the shape repertory οf the LMIB vessels? Some observations on the typology of the pottery from the LCI/LMIA settlement at Akrotiri"

C. Palyvou, "Spyridon Marinatos: the provision for the protection of ancient monuments through the experience from Akrotiri, Thera"

G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, "Lithic studies in the sixties: Spyridon Marinatos's contribution"

G. Vavouranakis, "Spyridon Marinatos's interpretative skillfulness: An attempt to an epistemological dissection of his research profile"

C. Boulotis, "Word and image in Sp. Marinatos's fields of interpretation"

D. I. Kyrtatas, "Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters"

A. G. Vlachopoulos, "On the Record: Spyridon Marinatos's 50 Years in the Press"

E. Mantzourani, "A portrait of Marinatos: The unusual view of Elizabeth Humlin Hunt"

S. Iakovidis: Overall assessment of the Symposium