Future Lectures and Conferences

CSPS Seminars 

The University of Nottingham, Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies (CSPS) has announced the following research seminars and annual lecture:

5 February 2012: M. Georgiadis and A. Tsaravopoulos, "Leska on Kythera. A newly discovered Minoan peak sanctuary"

24 February 2012: J. Maran, "The appropriation of amber objects in Mycenaean Peloponnese"

21 March 2012: K. Paschalidis, "Life and Death in Mycenaean Achaea. The Klauss cemetery near Patras and its contemporary society"

SOMA 2012

On 1-3 March 2012 the 16th annual Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA 2012): Identity and Connectivity will be held in Florence, Italy. Further information is available at http://www.soma2012florence.net/Info/HOME.html. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. B. Knapp, "Materiality, Identity and Connectivity in the Prehistoric Mediterranean"

L. Niesiolowski-Spanò, "The Philistines in Jerusalem? The use of archaeological data as the ethnic marker: the case of the Philistines, other 'Sea Peoples', and Judah"

E. Jensen, "Sea Peoples and Syria: New Evidence of Cultural Interaction at Tell Qarqur"

M. Cultraro, "Exploring models of Identity and Constructing cross-cultural Interactions: Decorated Bone Tubes in the Aegean and East Mediterranean in the late Third Millennium BC"

A. Carannante, "Shell Ornaments Distributional Patterns in Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age as Indicators of Identity and Connectivity"

C. Constantinou, "Cyprus and North Levant in Late Neolithic: a wider notion of interaction among societies of the Eastern Mediterranean"

D. Kloukinas and I. Voskos, "Identity mapping in prehistoric Cyprus: cultural divergence and consolidation during the Neolithic period"

Y. Violaris, L. Bombardieri, C. Scirè Calabrisotto, M. Fedi, and L. Caforio, "The Bronze Age cemetery at Lofou-Koulauzou (Cyprus): towards a cross-analysis of radiocarbon results and funerary assemblages within the burial contexts"

F. Chelazzi and M. Amadio, "From quarrying to dressing: stone features of the EC III-LC I Workshop Complex at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Cyprus)"

P. Quenet, G. Pierrat, M. Casanova, V. Danrey, S. Donnat, and D. Lacambre, "New light on the lapis lazuli of the Tôd Treasure, Egypt"

B. A. Judas, "'Mingle with the Courtiers': The Concept of the Keftiu as the 'Good' Foreigner in New Kingdom Egypt"

G. Graziadio, "The importance of mouth coverings in the Late Cypriot funerary customs"

P. Komninos, "Ethnic Landscapes and Collective Identity in the Aegean Late Bronze Age"

M. Bajema, "The lapis lazuli road: a view from the Mycenaean 'periphery'"

K. Bernhardt, "Mycenaean imports to Crete and the Levant: Some thoughts on the interrelations"

B. Montecchi, "Prothesis and deposition scenes between Crete and Mainland Greece in Late Minoan/Helladic III Period"

F. Carraro, "Writing and book-keeping in Ancient Mycenaean Linear B Script: Technology and Texts between Archaeology and Philology"

V. Ünsal, "Relations between Anatolia and Greece (2nd and 1st Mill. B.C.)"

Ç. Maner, "Mycenaean and Hittite Fortification Architecture: Identity and Connectivity"

K. Giannakos, "Aegean type Swords and Finds in Anatolia, Technology of Metals and Structures, Written Sources and the dating of Trojan War"

A. Kızıl, "Ancient remains at Beçin in Caria"

C. Papoulia and E. Chriazomenou, "Insular but Mobile: Some thoughts on the FN/EBA chipped stone industries from the island of Gavdos"

A. Sanavia, "New data on the Impressed Ware and Creamy-White Coated Ware from Middle Minoan Phaistos (Crete)"

R. Rio, "New Light on Phaistos Disc. The rediscovery of an ancient ritual"

M. Türkteki, "The First Use and Distribution of Wheelmade Pottery in Western and Central Anatolia"

F. Divarcı, "Early Bronze age human settlement in Marmara region"

N. Kolankaya-Bostancı, "The Decline of Chipped Stone Industry during the Second Millennium B.C: Evidence from Panaztepe"

N. Karaaslan, "Panaztepe: A Case Study for Late Bronze Age Bead Production"

I. Caloi, "Connecting Crete with the Near East and the Egypt in the Minoan Protopalatial period: what news in the 21st century?"

J. Weingarten, "The Arrival of Egyptian Taweret and Bes[et] on Minoan Crete: Contact and Choice"

J. Žežule, "'Minoan Zeus' as a link between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age"

M. T. Como, S. di Tanto, A. Ferraro, and S. Festuccia, "The Contribution of GIS Technology to Archaeological Research: the case of the Protopalatial site of Monastiraki (Crete)"

A. M. Jasink, "Experiments on Aegean virtual museology"