Embodied Identities

On 11-12 April 2012 a conference entitled Embodied Identities in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean: Convergence of Theory and Practice will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus, hosted by the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus. Further information is available at http://www.ucy.ac.cy/goto/identities/en-US/HOME.aspx. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

J. Bennet, "How big is a life-sized griffin? Scale and bodily representation in the Bronze Age Aegean"

A. Chapin, "The performative body and social identity in the room of the fresco at Mycenae"

S. Pilavaki, "Turning into stone: rock art and the construction of identities in ancient Thrace"

O. Filianotou, "The figurines of Thermi, Lesbos. Form and function"

Y. Papadatos, "Body biographies: figurines of the Early Bronze Age southern Aegean"

D. Goula, "Thoughts on the funerary use of the EBA Cycladic painted figurines"

D. Knox, "Figurines and complex identities in Bronze Age Cyprus"

G. Georgiou, "Picrolite and other stone beads and pendants: New forms in an old material during the transition from the Chalcolithic to the Cypriote Bronze Age"

M. Mina, "Dressed to impress: metal objects, anthropomorphic representations and the construction of embodied identities in Early and Middle Bronze Age Cyprus"

M. Mikrakis, "'It's war, not a dance': polarising embodied identities in the eastern Mediterranean from the end of the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age"

D. Urem-Kotsou, "Embodied vessels"

J. Webb, "Pots and people: an investigation of objects as indexes of selfhood in Early Bronze Age Cyprus"

K. Christakis, "Pot marking in potters' views"

C. Murphy, "The mind's hand: manufacture and tactile engagement with Minoan clay figurines"

S. Aulsebrook, "Beyond the prestige object: experiencing Mycenaean metal vessels"

K. Zeman-Wiśniewska, "Handlers and viewers. Some remarks on the process of perception of terracotta figurines on the example of Cypriot 'Goddesses with Upraised Arms'"

L. Bushnell, "Big brands in the Bronze Age: Decorative containers of precious commodities and their role in constructing social identity"

D. Bolger, "Re-making the self: bodies, identities and materialities in Chalcolithic Cyprus"

L. Girella and S. Todaro, "Secondary burials and the construction, performance and communication of group identities in the eastern Mediterranean between the 3rd and the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC: a pilot study"

Y. Galanakis, "From body to no-body? Embodied identities and the performance of fire rituals in the Late Bronze Age Aegean"

A. Simandiraki-Grimshaw and F. Stevens, "Composite, created, partial and floating bodies: a re-assessment of the Knossos Temple Repositories Assemblage"

J. Whitley, "Burning people, breaking things: material entanglements, the Bronze Age/Iron Age transition and the Homeric dividual"

K. Lorentz, "Grasping identity: theoretically informed human bioarchaeology in the eastern Mediterranean"

S. Fox, C. Winkelmann, M. Gamble, and L. Konstantinou, "Polydactyly in Chalcolithic figurines from Cyprus"

S. Triantaphyllou, "Constructing identities through aging the body in the prehistoric Aegean: the view of the human remains"

B. Legarra Herrero, "Pickled bodies: funerary jars and new social identities in Middle Bronze Age Crete"

E. Hatzaki, "Spatial and temporal variability in identity and representation within the Bronze Age cemeteries of Knossos, Crete"

S. Voutsaki, "Bodies, persons, images at the onset of the Mycenaean era"

P. Elefanti and E. Panagopoulou, "Gatherings, bodies and lithics: Social interactions at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Lakonis I cave, southern Peloponnese, Greece"

E. Galli, "Burying sediments building up identities in Early Bronze age tholos tombs of Crete"

N. Papadimitriou, "Collective selves and funerary rituals: Mycenaean dromoi as spaces of negotiation and embodiment of social identities"

K. Kotsakis, Concluding remarks

C. Broodbank, "The Making of the Middle Sea: Towards a Mediterranean Prehistory"