Future Lectures and Conferences

Minoan Seminar 2011-2012

The program of the Minoan Seminar has been announced for 2011-2012. Unless otherwise stated, all seminars begin at 6:30 pm at the Archaeological Society, Panepistimiou 22, Athens. Further information is available at http://www.minoanseminar.gr/.

11 November 2011: Θ. Ηλιόπουλος, "Το ιερό των Σκοτεινών Αιώνων στην Κεφάλα Βασιλικής Ιεράπετρας και η ένθρονη θεά του. The Dark Ages shrine at Kephala Vailiki, Ierapetra and its Seated Goddess"

9 December 2011: Ε. Νοδάρου, "Από τα Χανιά στη Σητεία: αρχαιολογικές και αρχαιομετρικές προσεγγίσεις στην κεραμική της Προανακτορικής περιόδου. From Chania to Siteia: archaeological and archaeometric approaches to the study of the Prepalatial pottery"

20 January 2012: Ν. Ζαρίφης, "H αρχιτεκτονική του Mινωϊκού Iερού στην Kάτω Σύμη Bιάννου. The architecture of the Minoan sanctuary at Kato Simi, Viannos"

2 March 2012: T. Strasser and Ε. Παναγοπούλου, "Crete in the Ice Age: Recent Evidence for Very Early Mariners. Η Κρήτη κατά την Εποχή των Παγετώνων: τα πρόσφατα στοιχεία για τους πρώτους θαλασσοπόρους"

30 March 2012: Λ. Βοκοτόπουλος, "Το Φυλάκιο της Θάλασσας στις Καρούμες: η κατοίκηση σε μια μικρή εγκατάσταση της υπαίθρου από την Παλαιοανακτορική έως την Τελική Ανακτορική εποχή. The Sea Guard- House, Karoumes: History of occupation at a small site of the East-Cretan countryside from the Protopalatial to the Final Palatial Period"

11 May 2012: L. Godart, "Νέο φως στην ιστορία των Μινωικών και Μυκηναϊκών γραφών. New light on the history of the Minoan and Mycenaean scripts"

1 June 2012: V. La Rosa, "Η μακρόχρονη ιστορία της Αγίας Τριάδας. The long history of Agia Triada"

New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium

The following lectures have been announced for the New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium. All lectures will be held at the Institute of Fine Arts, One East 78th Street at 6:30 pm. Please R.S.V.P. to 212-992-5803 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

18 November 2011: G. Flouda, "The Materialization of Burial Ideology in Late Pre-Palatial to Proto-Palatial Apesokari, Crete"

16 December 2011: T. Tartaron, "Korphos-Kalamianos, a Mycenaean Harbor and Maritime Center on the Saronic Gulf: Investigations 2007-2011"

Of Vines and Wines Symposium

On 3-4 December 2011 the annual symposium of the Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations of Koç University, entitled Of Vines and Wines: The Production and Consumption of Wine in Anatolian Civilizations through the Ages, will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. Further information is available at http://rcac.ku.edu.tr/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

P. E. McGovern, "Türkiye: Şarabın Doğduğu Yer? Turkey: The Birthplace of Wine?"

E. Margaritis, "Ege'de Asmanın Kültüre Alınması ve Entasnsif Asma Yetiştiriciliği ile İlgili Bulgular. Evidence of the Domestication and Intensive Cultivation of the Vine in the Aegean"

AIA 2012

On 6-8 January 2012 the 113th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America will be held at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in Philadelphia. Further information is available at the AIA web-site at http://www.archaeological.org/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

S. E. Allen and I. Gjipali, "Wetlands and the Transition to Agriculture in Europe: The 2010 and 2011 Excavation Seasons of the Southern Albania Neolithic Archaeological Project (SANAP) at Vashtëmi, Albania"

M.-H. Gates, "Seals and Sealing Practices at Early Bronze Karataş-Semayük"

E. Baughan, "Preliminary Report on Hacımusalar Höyük in the Early Bronze Age"

İ. Özgen, "The Iron Age in the Elmalı Plain: a view from Hacımusalar Höyük"

E. H. Cline and A. Yasur-Landau, "Results of the 2009-2011 Seasons at Tel Kabri, Israel"

T. Hodos, "The Çaltılar Archaeological Project"

L. V. Watrous, "Gournia Excavations: 2010 - 2011 Field Seasons"

D. M. Buell, "New Light on the Late Minoan IB City of Gournia"

M. F. Lane and V. L. Aravantinos, "AROURA 2011: Methods, Results, and Prospects of Geophysical and Surface Survey around the Mycenaean Fortress of Gla, Viotia, Greece"

A. Stamos, C. Maggidis, and E. Blinkhorn, "Rediscovering Gla: The 2010 Geophysical and Mapping Survey of the Mycenaean Citadel"

B. E. Burns, B. Burke, S. Lupack, V. Aravantinos, and I. Fappas, "Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project: Excavations at Ancient Eleon"

H. Dierckx and C. Maggidis, "Beyond the Walls of Agamemnon: Systematic Excavation of the Lower Town at Mycenae 2009-2010"

P. Sapirstein, "Survey and Visualization of Mycenaean Buildings at Kalamianos"

T. F. Strasser, E. Panagopoulou, P. Karkanas, E. Kapranos, G. Marshall, C. DiGregorio, M. G. Clinton, G. George, and R. Mersereau, "The Damnoni Excavation: Mesolithic Remains from Southwest Crete"

E. C. Egan, "A Bull Among the China? A Fragmentary Wheel-Made Figure from the Palace of Nestor"

J. M. A. Murphy, "Repeat, Repeat, Repeat? Rituals in the Tombs around the Mycenaean Palace at Pylos, Greece"

R. Schon, "Heirlooms and Social Power at Mycenaean Kakovatos"

S. LaFayette, "Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind: Post-Destruction Activity at the Palace of Nestor at Pylos and The Making of a Forgotten Landmark"

M. Mogetta, "Urban Villages: Comparing Iron Age Settlement Structure in Greece and Italy"

K. Chalikias, "Chryssi Island: Archaeological Exploration of a Marginal Landscape in Southeast Crete, Greece"

E. A. Fisher, "An Ethno-archaeological Perspective on Aegean Bronze Age Trade and Contacts"

P. N. Kardulias, "Reaping What You Sow: Archaeology and Ethnography in the Study of Ancient Agriculture in Greece and Cyprus"

R. S. Wagman and A. G. Nichols, "On a Thessalian Rock-Cut Pattern"

S. E. Peterson and K. Lantzas, "Pottery from Building Kappa at Mycenae: 2002–2005"

R. Shears and C. Maggidis, "Data Compilation and Visualization for the DEPAS of Mycenae Lower Town Excavation"

J. R. de Gregory and N. P. Herrmann, "Pits and Scratches: An Examination of Dental Microwear of Two Bronze Age Sites in East Lokris, Greece"

M. G. Clinton, "A New Method of Defining Private Structures in Minoan Neopalatial Architecture Through Access and Circulation Pattern Analysis"

E. Hatzaki, "Urban Transformations: The Little Palace North Project and the Cityscapes of Late Bronze Age Knossos"

A. T. Teffeteller, "Motherhood in Minoan Iconography"

E. Miller Bonney, "Exotica at Knossos: A Reconsideration of the Faience Snake Goddess and Her Votary"

S. Privitera, "The Tomb, the House, and the Double Axes: Exploring the Architectural Setting of the Ayia Triada Sarcophagus"

A.-L. Schallin, "Defining a Cultic Context at Mastos in the Berbati Valley Using the Setup of Mycenaean Figurines"

M. Vetters, "From Passive Objects and Discard Patterns to Enacted Rituals? Contextualizing Mycenaean Terracotta Figurines: A 'Practice' Approach"

C. Kron, "Metal Objects from Cape Gelidonya: a Case Study for Integrated Theoretical Perspectives"

T. Carter, "Minoan–Egyptian Relations Revisited: The Warrior's Tale"

J. Emanuel, "'Šrdn of the Sea': A Reassessment of the Sherden and their Role in Egyptian Society"

B. A. Judas, "The Good, the Bad, the Keftiu: The Concept of the 'Good' Foreigner in New Kingdom Egypt"

C. Pratt, "Objects and Agents: Transnational Interaction Between Cretans and Phoenicians in the Early Iron Age"

S. Vitale, "The Serraglio, Eleona, and Langada Archaeological Project (SELAP): Report on the 2011 Study Season"

J. Verstraete, "Reinterpreting the Aegean and Aegean-like Pottery in the Amuq Valley (Turkey): From Late Bronze Age Object to Early Iron Age Symbol"

J. F. Osborne, "Al Mina and East-West Relations: The View from Tell Tayinat"

N. Papadimitriou, "The changing faces of death in Early Mycenaean Greece"

M. K. Dabney, E. Pappi, P. Karkanas, A. Smith, S. Triantaphyllou, J. C. Wright, "Mycenaean Mortuary Practices in Ancient Nemea"

A. Van de Moortel, "The Politics of Death at Mitrou, East Lokris"

M. Τsipopoulou, "The Prepalatial Cemetery of Petras, Siteia, Eastern Crete: a Diachronic Monument of Social Coherence"

L. Alberti, "Room with a View: Landscapes of Memory in the Mavrospilio Necropolis at Knossos"

M. Chountasi, "Funerary-Architectural Events and Theatricality in the LM II-IIIA Tomb-Sanctuary and Royal Tomb at Knossos"

S. Déderix, "Minoan Death in Context: the Spatial Dimension of Cemeteries in Bronze Age Crete"

K. A. Jazwa, "A Preliminary Examination of Architectural Fragments from Mitrou, Greece: The Benefits of a Contextual Analysis of Accidentally Fired Earthen Material"

A. R. Knodell, "Socializing Interactions in the Early Iron Age Mediterranean: Multi-Scalar Network Intensification in the Euboean Gulf and Beyond"

B. Burke and T. Van Damme, "Populating Theban Political Geography in the Euboean Gulf during the Late Bronze Age"

A. L. Iacobelli, "Between Attica and Boeotia: Preliminary Report on the Role of Pastoralism in the Landscape History of the Skourta Plain"

M. Kramer-Hajos, "Warriors and Bureaucrats: Becoming Mycenaean in the Province"

R. Vykukal, "Purpurae Florem of Mitrou: Assessing the Role of Purple Dye Manufacture in the Emergence of the Elite"

W. A. Parkinson, D. Nakassis, and M. L. Galaty, "Crafts, Specialists, and Markets in Mycenaean Greece"

J. Hruby, "The Palace of Nestor, Craft Production, and Mechanisms for the Transfer of Goods"

J. D. Aprile, "The New Political Economy of Nichoria: Using Intra-site Distributional Data to Investigate Regional Institutions"

D. Pullen, "Crafting the Mycenaean Economy"

D. P. Diffendale, "Pottering About the Positivist Fallacy. Missing the Greek Early Iron Age through Intensive Field Survey"

S. Diakou, "The Topography of Early Iron Age Lapithos"

D. Small, "Using Funeral Feasting to Examine Community Change in Iron Age Crete"

C. Diogo de Souza, "Grave Type, Offerings, and Landscape: Some Aspects of Mortuary Practices Performed in Geometric Graves in Argos, Greece"

J. M. Hurwit, "The Swastika in Geometric Greek Art"

K. A. M. van den Berg, "Aegean Interconnections during the Bronze Age-Iron Age Transition (ca. 1250-1000 B.C.): a Network Perspective"

E. Gorogianni and R. D. Fitzsimons, "Dining on the Fringe Again? The Northeast Bastion as a Minoan-Style Banquet Hall at Ayia Irini, Kea - the Ceramic Evidence"

N. D. Abell, "Cretan Connections in Middle Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Kea: An Analysis of Ceramic Shapes and Fabrics from Area B"

D. Kriga, "Kymbes and Strainers, Spirals, Crocuses, Ibexes, Swallows, Dolphins and Lilies at Akrotiri: Theran Ceramic Vessels of Special Use and Special Iconography"

B. Jones, "A New Discovery and Interpretation of the Fragmentary Figure Fresco from the House of the Ladies, Thera"

C. Wiersma, "An Analysis of Early Helladic III - Late Helladic I House Architecture and Assemblages"

N. G. Blackwell, "Tool Marks on the Lion Gate Relief at Mycenae"

J. L. Farmer and M. F. Lane, "The Great Megara of the Mycenaean Palaces as Symbolic and Performative Space: Toward Functional Integration of the 'Throne Room' with Other Palace Structures, and Consideration of Means of Political and Religious Legitimation in Mycenaean Greece"

L. Meiberg, "A Close Style Pottery Workshop Group of Late Helladic IIIC Middle"

P. Hristova, "Funerary Body, Dress, and Identity in Mycenaean Greece"

A. P. Chapin, E. Banou, and L. Hitchcock, "The Conglomerate Quarry at Vapheio-Palaiopyrgi in Laconia, Greece"

E. S. K. Anderson, "The Work of Hands: Seal Use and Social Incorporation on Late Prepalatial Crete"

A. Peatfield and C. Morris, "Ritual Performance and Spatial Organisation on Minoan Peak Sanctuaries"

D. Nakassis, "Performing Kingship in Mycenaean Pylos"

D. Strait, "The Balkan Valley Project: Results of Surveys for Paleolithic Cave Sites in the Tundzha Valley"

B. Athanassov, "The Middle Strouma Valley Archaeological Survey: Settlement Patterns in the Eastern Balkan Peninsula in Late Prehistory (Neolithic - Late Bronze Age)"

A. Sobotkova and S. Ross, "Tundzha Regional Archaeological Project 2009-2010: A Diachronic Survey Campaign in Bulgaria"