POCA 2011

19-22 November 2011 the 11th annual Postgraduates in Cypriot Archaeology (POCA 2011) conference will be hosted by the Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée "J. Pouilloux", University of Lyon 2. Further information is available at http://poca2011.sciencesconf.org/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

C. Paraskeva, "Middle/Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age Cyprus: New Perspectives in Archaeological Theory and Techniques - An Introduction"

J. Beck, "L'occupation néolithique de Kataliondas-Kourvellos : état de la question"

L. Bombardieri, C. Scirè Calabrisotto, and F. Chelazzi, "Dating the contexts (or contextualize the dating?): new evidences from the Southern Cemetery at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (EC-LC I)"

A. Georgiou, "Settlement Histories of Cyprus in the twelfth century BC"

C. Constantinou, "7th to 5th millennium Eastern Mediterranean: Identifying Contacts between Cyprus and North Levant after the Break-down of PPNB Interaction Sphere"

C. Vonhoff, "The Phenomenon of Feasting in Early Iron Age Cyprus – Bronze and Iron Obeloi from Cypriot Tombs as Evidence for Elite Self-Conception, Social Networks and Trans-Mediterranean Cultural Exchange"

A. Paule, "La parure protohistorique de Chypre: une recherche de traces sur le continent grec"

A. Carbillet, "Naviguer vers l'éternité. Les modèles de bateau en terre cuite chypriotes et leur association à la navigation eschatologique"