Greek, Roman and Byzantine Pottery at Ilion (Troia):
Sebastian Heath and Billur Tekkök, Editors
Roman Lead Glaze Ware
Please note that this is a public draft of work in progress
Lead glazed vessels are produced at a number of eastern Mediterranean sites and also in the west starting in the first century BC. See Greene 2007 for a recent overview of the phenomenon. Chemical analysis of the material from Ilion is being undertaken by Billur Tekkök.
1. Roman Period Lead Glazed Skyphos (BC 50 - 10 AD)
Est. diam. rim .010 (1/5 preserved). Th. .0026.
z06.0017:38. SC09-3q. Brown glaze with relief decoration. Upper and lower handle stubs preserved at rim and on wall.
2. Roman Period Lead Glazed Skyphos (BC 50 - 10 AD)
P. H. .038. Est. diam. rim .085. Th. .0034.
K17.0860:2. Single rim sherd with beginning of horizontal handle at rim. Brownish green glaze (nearest 2.5Y 5/6). Light reddish brown (5YR 5/4) fabric. Angular lime inclusions, one as large as .004, otherwise small to tiny.
Cf. Hochuli-Gysel 1977 form 1.
General Bibliography
Greene, Kevin. 2007. “Late Hellenistic and Early Roman lead-glazed pottery,” American Journal of Archaeology 111: 653-671.
Hatcher, Helen, Alexander Kaczmarczyk, Agnès Scherer and Robin Symonds. 1994. “Chemical Classification and Provenance of Some Roman Glazed Ceramics,” American Journal of Archaeology 98.3: 431-456.
Hochuli-Gysel, Anne. 1977. Kleinasiatische glasierte Reliefkeramik (50 v. Chr. bis 50 n. Chr.) und ihre oberitalischen Nachamungen Acta Bernensia 7. Bern. []
Hochuli-Gysel, Anne. 2002. “La Céramique à glaçure plombifère d'Asie Mineure e du bassin Méditerranéan oriental (du Ier s. av. J.-C. au Ier s. ap. J.-C.)” in Francine Blondé, Pascle Ballet and Jean-Françoise Salles (eds.), Céramiques hellénistiques et romaines: Productions et diffusion en Méditerranée orientale (Chypre, Égypte et côte syro-palestinienne), Lyon: 303-319.