Greek, Roman and Byzantine Pottery at Ilion (Troia):
Sebastian Heath and Billur Tekkök, Editors
Knidian Relief Ware
Please note that this is a public draft of work in progress
Baldoni 2003 has shown that, in addition to the well-known production centers of Knidos and Pergamon, there were multiple workshops producing relief-ware wine jugs so that the grouping of the finds at Troia under the "Knidian" rubric is tentative.
1. Knidian Relief Ware Jug
D20.0023:17. Slightly granular orange red fabric (2.5YR 5/6) with thick matte slip.
Benghazi FWp. 331, B485, fig.61, Hausmann 1954/55 type b., Heimberg 1976 type b.
2. Knidian Relief Ware Jug
P. H. .043. Est. diam. rim .085. Th. .008.
D20.0068:4. SC28-1. Single sherd, 1/10 of shoulder. Fluted tongues on the shoulder ending with robe pattern. Pinkish/brown fabric with matt orange/red slip mottled into black.
Benghazi FW p. 329, B484, fig.61; LRP, pl.22a; Hausmann 1954/55 type Ia; Heimberg 1976, Type A; Bailey 1979, Group (c).
3. Knidian Relief Ware Jug with Silenus Face
P. H. .067. Th. .0025.
K/L16/17.0114.101. P0672. Single sherd. This fragment partially preserves the face of a bearded Silenus. The fine fabric is fired reddish brown (2.5YR 6/8) except where thickest in which case there is a faint gray (near Gley 2 – 10BG 6/1) core. There are occasional tiny light and dark inclusions and a single lime chunk, .001 across, is visible in the extant portion of the vessel. On the exterior is a white underslip over which a red slip is unevenly applied. At its darkest, in the wrinkle under the right cheek or in the moustache, the slip is near 2.5YR 5/8, elsewhere the slip ranges from bright orange to very pale as the white underslip shows through more distinctly. The interior is plain and shows the strokes by which the clay was pushed into the mold. The relief of this piece is relatively high with a maximum depth of .031 from the tip of the nose to the whiskers of the right part of the moustache. The mouth, nose and right cheek are present as well as the right side of the figure’s moustache. The right eye and the very top of the beard are only partially preserved. The line that defined the iris is extant at both points where it intersected the lower eyelid. No details of the left side beyond the mouth and part of the moustache are extant.
See P189 for similar complete cup.
4. Knidian Relief Ware Jug
D20.0017:37. Single sherd.
General Bibliography
Baldoni, Daniela. 2003. Vasi a matrice di età imperiale a Iasos, Missione archeologica Italiana di Iasos III Archaeologica 139. Rome. []
Hausmann, U.. 1954/55. “ΟΙΝΟΦΟΡΟΙ,” Athenische Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 69/70: 125-146.
Heimberg, Ursula. 1976. “Oinophoren - Zur kaiserzeitlichen Reliefkeramik,” Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instutes 91: 251-290.
Kenrick, Philip. 1985. Excavation at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice). Volume III, 1 Supplements to Libya Antiqua 5. Tripoli. []
Tekkök, Billur. 2005. “Review of "Daniela Baldoni, Vasi a matrice di età imperiale a Iasos, Missione archeologica Italiana di Iasos III. Archaeologica, 139. Rome: Giorgio Bretschneider, 2003. Pp. ix, 102; figs. 22, pls. 63. ISBN 88-7689-196-X. €146.00 (pb).",” Bryn Mawr Classical Review. [online]
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