Greek, Roman and Byzantine Pottery at Ilion (Troia):
Sebastian Heath and Billur Tekkök, Editors
Panathenaic Amphoras
Please note that this is a public draft of work in progress
Panathenaic amphoras were produced in Athens as prizes for the victors in the games held in that city every four years. It is, however, possible that these vessels were also sold as souvenirs or distributed by means other than direct award. Bentz 1998 is an extensive discussion of the type. The descriptions below are based on ongoing work by Kathleen Lynch.
1. Attic Panathenaic Amphora (4th century BC)
Th. .021. L. .089. W. .091.
z08.0071:2. SC03-1b. Single fragment from shoulder, accretions on interior and exterior. Good Attic clay, one large black inclusion. Band of long tongues at top of shoulder. Raised arm of Athena and back of her helmet. Arm added white with four dilute glaze bracelets. Helmet with incision for detail. One added white snake or tie from aegis curls up from shoulder. Added white applied directly to clay surface. Red wash on surface, streak on interior.
Bentz 1998, p. 176, no. 4.087 (336/5 B.C.). Cf. Troy IV, pp. 256, 301 no. VIII.250, pl. 316: 6, which may be the same object.
2. Attic Panathenaic Amphora (4th century BC)
L. .065. W. .0995.
z08.0422:2. Single fragment, surface chipped. Attic clay. Belly of horse with foot of rider. Front foot of second horse at left. Incision for details. Added white band around horse’s mid-section. Incision does not respect black glaze. Wash on exterior surface.
Band indicates harnessing for a chariot, cf. Bentz 1998, no. 4.080, pl. 118 (340/339 B.C.).
3. Attic Panathenaic Amphora Body Sherd (4th century BC)
z08.0461:3. Single sherd, from lower panel. Base line and black-glaze below. Wash on surface giving it a very smooth finish. Perhaps same vessel as z08.0422:2.
General Bibliography
Bentz, Martin. 1998. Panathenäische Preisamphoren: Eine athenische Vasengattung und ihre Funktion vom 6.-4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Beiheft zur Halbjahresschrift Antike Kunst 18. Basel. []
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