PRAP Small Finds Database
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Most of the records in the PRAP Small Finds Database have not been edited since initial data entry in the field. They are provided as a courtesy to the archaeological community and should not be taken as definitive.
Found 10 results.

IDGeneral MaterialSpecific MaterialGeneral FormSpecific FormStart/End PeriodSite
SF0028MetalZincOther Metal ArtifactCoinTurk-VenB01
SF0074AGlassArchitectural ElementWindow GlassMod-ModB01
SF0074BGlassArchitectural ElementWindow GlassMod-ModB01
SF0079StoneStandstoneNon-Artifactual StoneUnkn-UnknB01
SF0190AStoneStandstoneArchitectural ElementBuilding BlockLH3-LH3B01
SF0190BStoneStandstoneArchitectural ElementBuilding BlockLH3-LH3B01
Record 1 – 10 of 10

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Specific Form:
All texts and images made available through The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: Internet Edition are for personal use only. Reproduction of these materials without prior permission is prohibited.
Questions about the PRAP online database can be addressed to John Wallrodt at