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K04  Gargaliani Koutsouveri
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Periods Represented
Ott-EMod, (Mod)
Tile: Ott-EMod
Max Dimension
40 m. (E-W) x 20 m. (N-S)
Actual Area in Hectares
On-site Density (Sherds per Hecatare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Total (T) => Grid (G 10 m.)
Location and Description

Site K4 is located SE of the hill of Ayia Sotira, ca. 2.5 km. NW of the outskirts of Gargaliani. Its focus is a small oblong mound, standing about 1-2 m. high above the olive grove that surrounds it.[107.10] Most olives are mature; two older trees grow on the mound itself. To the N, E and S, the mound slopes gently into the adjacent fields, but falls more sharply to the W.[088.13] At its E end is a large pile of stone and brush; there is an isolated chunk of bedrock at its W end.

Intervisible Sites
Gargaliani Ayia Sotira (K2)
Artifact Summary

Pottery is uniform in fabric. Most of the collected material consists of roof tiles of the Turkish-Early Modern period. Many fragments show traces of finger marks. Thin-walled storage vessels from this period are concentrated in the center of the site.

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