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Found 8209 results.

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091.35yesSite A01, Ayios Konstadtinos (1): : close-up of tile found in new grave at SW edge of site.
091.36yesGeneral view of Stylianos village across valley from Site A01 to SW.
091.37yesGeneral view of Stylianos village across valley from Site A01 to SW, bus going through village.
111.02yesSite A02, Kalopsana (1): monumental terrace wall on lower E slope of site showing bedrock outcrop and stones added/ to SW.
111.03yesMetaxada Valley: old bridge below and immediately E of current bridge across stream in valley bottom.
111.04yesMetaxada Valley: old bridge below and immediately E of current bridge across stream in valley bottom, close-up to ESE.
111.05yesGeneral view of Site A05, Kalopsana (2) and Site A02, Kalopsana (1) from N from above on road up to Metaxada village.
111.06yesSite A05, Kalopsana (2): from N from above on road up to Metaxada village, close-up.
111.07yesSite A01, Ayios Konstadtinos (1): : view to SW of new tile grave (?) in scarp.
111.08yesSite A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): view to NE of large blocks W. of modern church.
111.09yesSite A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): looking E with modern church in background.
111.10yesSite A04, Skarminga: general view of Ayia Sotira church looking WNW; showing niche
111.11yesSite A04, Skarminga: general view of Ayia Sotira church, looking SE.
111.12yesSite A04, Skarminga: close-up of Ayia Sotira church doorway.
111.13yesSite A04, Skarminga: general view of Ayia Sotira church looking SW.
111.14yesSite A04, Skarminga: view of "Turkish Bath" looking NW.
111.15yesSite A04, Skarminga: view of "Turkish Bath" to W showing wall thickness and N return.
111.16yesSite A04, Skarminga: N wall (good masonry) of "Turkish Bath" looking S.
111.17yesSite A04, Skarminga: view from above of channel on top of "Turkish Bath"/ looking SE.
111.18yesSite A04, Skarminga: view to NE from "Turkish bath" area to E edge of site (warehouses)
111.19yesSite A04, Skarminga: view along water channel from "Turkish Bath" to where channel turns E towards Ayia Sotira spring/ to slightly E of N.
111.20yesSite A04, Skarminga: view ENE along line of water channel toward Ayia Sotira spring.
111.21yesSite A04, Skarminga: detail of meander brickwork and dentate decoration on Ayia Sotira church.
111.22yesSite L07: general view E over site/ cemetery, church and Milioti village in background.
111.23yesSite L07: general view ENE over site/ cemetery, church and Milioti village in background.
111.24yesSite L07: view of (?) wall foundation on overgrown knoll of site/ northernmost feature.
111.25yesSite L07: view to S. of wall foundations on ovcergrown knoll N. of site / southernmost feature.
111.26yesSite L07: view to N of wall foundation on overgrown knoll N. of site, showing wall return to S/ southernmost structure.
111.27yesSite L07: general view of site looking SW from cemetery church of Milioti.
111.28yesSite I22, Panitsa: church of Panagia (Koimisi) from S, site in background.
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