PRAP Image Database
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Found 8209 results.

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011.32yesSite G01, Dialiskari: mosaic relationship to house
011.33yesSite G01, Dialiskari: Ancient tiled floor, tile foundations
011.34yesSite G01, Dialiskari: Ancient foundations of house
011.35yesSite G01, Dialiskari: Cist grave A
012.01yesKoukounara: Akonas south-most tomb - N side showing dromos
012.02yesKoukounara: Akonas south-most tomb - N side showing dromos
012.03yesKoukounara: Akonas south-most tomb - S side showing corbeling
012.04yesKoukounara: Akonas south-most tomb - S side showing corbeling
012.05yesKoukounara: Akonas south-most tomb - view to Handrinou / Lykodimos
012.06yesKoukounara: Fyties - lintel of westernmost tomb
012.07yesKoukounara: Fyties - lintel of westernmost tomb
012.08yesKoukounara: Fyties - interior showing corbeling of westernmost tomb
012.09yesKoukounara: Fyties - interior showing corbeling of westernmost tomb (close-up view)
012.10yesKoukounara: Fyties - eastern most tomb - interior from NW
012.11yesKoukounara: Fyties - eastern most tomb - interior from NE
012.12yesKoukounara: Fyties - eastern most tomb - dromos from S
012.13yesbarley in field S of rema, S of Koukounara
012.14yesGouvalaris Tholos #1 - from S
012.15yesGouvalaris Tholos #1 - from N
012.16yesGouvalaris Tholos #1 -detail of chamber from N
012.17yesTeams practicing pacing in schoolyard
012.18yesTeams practicing pacing in schoolyard
012.19yesTeams practicing pacing in schoolyard
012.20yesE. Zangger (TM#39) coring at Beilerbei
012.21yesE. Zangger (TM#39) coring at Beilerbei
012.22yesE. Zangger (TM#39) and JLD (TM#10) looking at core
012.23noE. Zangger and JLD (TM#10) looking at core
012.24yesH-G Jansen (TM#16) magnetometry at Beilerbei
012.25yesH-G Jansen (TM#16) magnetometry at Beilerbei
012.26yesH-G Jansen (TM#16) magnetometry at Beilerbei
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