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Found 200 results.

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204.10yesSite I04, Romanou: Mixed pottery group (mainly post-Bronze Age)
204.15yesSite I04, Romanou: three associated sherds of ridged or combed Byz amphora
204.17yesSite I04, Romanou: broken chert core
204.19yesSite I04, Romanou: obsidian core (photographed with shadow)
204.34yesSite I04, Romanou: R body sherd with raised inscription "XAPIS"
204.36yesSite I04, Romanou: R mold-made sherd with raised "arcs"
205.22yesSite I04, Romanou: Turk-Mod glazed and decorated bowls
205.26yesSite I04, Romanou: Various lithics
205.30yesSite I04, Romanou: obsidian core
205.34yesSite I04, Romanou: broken chert core
205.36yesSite I04, Romanou: obsidian arrowhead
206.02yesSite I04, Romanou: obsidian arrowhead
206.07yesSite I04, Romanou: Mid Roman (4th c) coin (obverse)
206.08yesSite I04, Romanou: Mid Roman (4th c) coin (obverse)
206.09yesSite I04, Romanou: Mid Roman (4th c) coin (reverse)
206.10yesSite I04, Romanou: Mid Roman (4th c) coin (reverse)
206.11yesSite I04, Romanou: Aurelian coin (obverse)
206.12yesSite I04, Romanou: Aurelian coin (obverse)
206.14yesSite I04, Romanou: Aurelian coin (reverse)
206.25yesSite B04, Zoodohos Piyi (2): mystery ribbed piece, G-A? spout?
207.05yesSite I04, Romanou: Turk-Mod glazed and decorated bowls
212.36yesSite I04, Romanou:
213.12yesSite I04, Romanou:
213.14yesSite I04, Romanou:
213.16yesSite I04, Romanou:
213.28yesSite I04, Romanou:
213.30yesSite I04, Romanou:
214.15yesSite I04, Romanou: Coin of Aurelian, obverse
214.17yesSite I04, Romanou: Coin of Aurelian, reverse
214.19yesSite I04, Romanou: MidR coin of Constantius II, obverse
Record 1 – 30 of 200 Next | Last

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All texts and images made available through The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: Internet Edition are for personal use only. Reproduction of these materials without prior permission is prohibited.
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