PapyrologICAL Bibliography


Work in progress!

A translation of all documents from ancient Alexandria that survive on papyrus.


M. Capasso, Introduzione alla papirologia (Bologna, 2005)

M. Depauw, A Companion to Demotic Studies (Brussels, 1997)

V.G. Mandelaras, Papyroi kai papyrologia (Athens, 2005)

L. Mitteis & U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde 1.1-2.2 (Leipzig, 1912): handbook with texts

O. Montevecchi, La papirologia (2nd ed.; Milano, 1988): with texts

I.F. Fikhman, Vvedeniye v dokumentalnuyu papirologiyu (Moscow, 1987)

P.W. Pestman, The New Papyrological Primer (2nd ed.; Leiden, 1994): texts

H.-A. Rupprecht, Kleine Einführung in die griechische Papyruskunde (Darmstadt, 1994)

E.G. Turner, The Papyrologist at Work (Durham, NC, 1973)

E.G. Turner, Greek Papyri: An Introduction (2nd ed.; Oxford, 1980): focuses on literature

Editions and updates

J.F. Oates a.o., Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets (5th ed.; American Society of Papyrologists, 2001): alphabetical lists of editions

BL = F. Preisigke a.o., Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten 1-11 (various places, 1922-2002; Konkordanz und Supplement zu Band I-VII, Leuven, 1989): textual corrections


Bibliographie papyrologique, 1932- (database on CD-ROM; quarterly updates)


APF = Archiv für Papyrusforschung 1- (various places, 1900-; publishes surveys of recent editions)

BASP = Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 1 (various places, 1963-)

Model editions

– Ptolemaic

CPR 18 = B. Kramer, Das Vertragsregister von Theogenis (Wien, 1991)

P.Count = W. Clarysse and D.J. Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt 1 (Cambridge, 2006): partly demotic

P.Dion. = E. Boswinkel & P.W. Pestman, Les archives privées de Dionysios, fils de Képhalas (Leiden, 1982): partly demotic

P.Enteuxeis = O. Guéraud, Enteuxeis. Requêtes et plaintes adressées au roi d’Égypte au IIIe siècle avant J.-C. (Cairo, 1931)

P.Petr. 12 = W. Clarysse, The Petrie Papyri: Second Edition 1 (Brussels, 1991): wills

P.Polit.Iud. = J.M.S. Cowey & K. Maresch, Urkunden des Politeuma der Juden von Herakleopolis (144/3-133/2 v.Chr.) (Wiesbaden, 2001)

UPZ 1-2 = U. Wilcken, Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit 1-2 (Berlin & Leipzig, 1927-1957)

– Roman

C.Pap.Gr. 1 = M. Manca Masciadri & O. Montevecchi, I contratti di baliatico (Milano, 1984): wetnursing contracts

O.Claud. 3 = H. Cuvigny, Les reçus pour avances à la ‘familia’ (Cairo, 2000)

P.Lond. 1177 reed. = W. Habermann, Zur Wasserversorgung einer Metropole im kaiserzeitlichen Ägypten (München, 2000)

P.Mich. 2 = A.E.R. Boak, Papyri from Tebtunis 1 (Ann Arbor, MI, 1933)

P.Oxy. 40 = J.R. Rea, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 40 (London, 1972): corn dole archive

P.Petaus = U. Hagedorn, D. Hagedorn, L.C. Youtie & H.C. Youtie, Das Archiv des Petaus (Köln & Opladen, 1969)

P.Thmuis 1 = S. Kambitsis, Le papyrus Thmuis 1 (Paris, 1985): carbonized papyrus

– Byzantine and Arab

CPR 22 = F. Morelli, Documenti greci per la fiscalità e la amministrazione dell’Egitto arabo (Wien, 2001)

P.Abinn. = H.I. Bell, V. Martin, E.G. Turner & D. van Berchem, The Abinnaeus Archive (Oxford, 1962): papers of a Roman officer

P.Cair.Isid. = A.E.R. Boak & H.C. Youtie, The Archive of Aurelius Isidorus (Ann Arbor, MI, 1960): the Diocletian effect

P.Münch. 1 = A. Heisenberg & L. Wenger, Byzantinische Papyri der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München (2nd ed.; Stuttgart, 1986)

P.Neph. = B. Kramer & J.C. Shelton, Das Archiv des Nepheros und verwandte Texte (Mainz, 1987): partly Coptic

P.Oxy. 63 = J.R. Rea, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 63 (London, 1996): various texts

P.Reg.Fisc. = C. Zuckerman, Autour du registre fiscal d’Aphroditô (Paris, 2004)

– Demotic and Coptic

O.Narm.Dem. 2 = P. Gallo, Ostraka demotici e ieratici dall’archivio bilingue di Narmuthis (Pisa, 1997)

P.Mon.Apollo = S.J. Clackson, Coptic and Greek Texts Relating to the Hermopolite Monastery of Apa Apollo (Oxford, 2000)

– Literary

P.Mil.Vogl. 8 = G. Bastianini & C. Gallazzi, Posidippo di Pella, Epigrammi (Milano, 2001): late third century B.C.

P.Aphrod.Lit. = J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l’Égypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l’oeuvre de Dioscore d’Aphrodité 1-2 (Cairo, 1999)

Sourcebooks with many papyri

R.S. Bagnall and R. Cribiore, Women’s Letters from Ancient Egypt, 300 BC – AD 800 (Ann Arbor, 2006): translated texts

Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini 1.1*- (Firenze, 1989-): the best of its kind

C.C. Edgar, A.S. Hunt & D.L. Page, Select Papyri 1-3 (Loeb Classical Library; London & Cambridge, MA, 1932-1942): documents and literary texts with translation

J. Hengstl, Griechische Papyri aus Ägypten als Zeugnisse des öffentlichen und privaten Lebens (Tusculum Bücherei; München, 1978): texts with translations and commentary

G.H.R. Horsley & others, New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 1- (North Ryde, Grand Rapids, MI, & Cambridge, 1981-): texts with translation and commentary

A.C. Johnson, Roman Egypt (An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome 2; Baltimore, MD, 1936): translated texts

B. Olsson, Papyrusbriefe der frühesten Römerzeit (Uppsala, 1925): texts with translation

J.L. Rowlandson ed., Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt (Cambridge, 1998): translated texts

S. Witkowski, Epistulae privatae Graecae quae in papyris aetatis Lagidarum servantur (Bibliotheca Teubneriana; 2nd ed.; Leipzig, 1911)

Dictionaries, lexical studies and grammars

F. Preisigke, Fachwörter des öffentlichen Verwaltungsdienstes Ägyptens (Göttingen, 1915): needs replacement

F. Preisigke, Wörterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden 1-2 (Berlin, 1925-1927): a-w without “Fachwörter”

E. Kiessling, Wörterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden 4 (various places, 1944-1993): a-z without “Fachwörter”

G. Husson, Oikia. Le vocabulaire de la maison privée en Égypte d’après les papyrus grecs (Paris, 1983)

S. Russo, I gioielli nei papiri di età greco-romana (Firenze, 1999)

G.H.R. Horsley, New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 5 (Macquarie 1989)

E. Mayser, Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptolemäerzeit 1.2-2.3 (Berlin & Leipzig, 1926-1938; 1.1, ed. H. Schmoll: Berlin, 1970)

F.T. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods 1-2 (Milano, 1976-1981): syntax lacks; the following will do for now:

B.G. Mandilaras, The Verb in the Greek Non-literary Papyri (Athens, 1973)


E.G. Turner, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World (2nd ed.; London, 1987): literary texts by genre

G. Cavallo & H. Maehler, Greek Bookhands of the Early Byzantine Period (London, 1987): sequel to Turner, by script

W. Schubart, Griechische Paläographie (München, 1925): needs replacement for the documentary part

Historical studies

R.S. Bagnall, Egypt in Late Antiquity (Princeton, NJ, 1993)

R.S. Bagnall, Reading Papyri, Writing Ancient History (London & New York, NY, 1995): modern trends with bibliography

R.S. Bagnall & B.W. Frier, The Demography of Roman Egypt (Cambridge, 1994)

R.S. Bagnall & D.W. Rathbone eds., Egypt from Alexander to the Copts: An Archaeological and Historical Guide (London, 2004)

J.I. Banaji, Agrarian Change in Late Antiquity (Oxford, 2001)

A.K. Bowman, Egypt after the Pharaohs, 332 BC – AD 642 (London, 1986 and later editions)

W. Clarysse and D.J. Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt 2 (Cambridge, 2005)

D.J. Crawford, Kerkeosiris: An Egyptian Village in the Ptolemaic Period (Cambridge, 1971): the best village study

N. Lewis, Life in Egypt under Roman Rule (Oxford, 1983 and later edition)

N. Lewis, Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt (Oxford, 1986 and later edition): case studies

J. Matthews, The Journey of Theophanes (New Haven, 2006)

D. Montserrat, Sex and Society in Graeco-Roman Egypt (London & New York, NY, 1996)

C. Préaux, L’économie royale des Lagides (Brussels, 1939)

D.W. Rathbone, Economic Rationalism and Rural Society in Third Century A.D. Egypt: The Heroninus Archive and the Estate of Appianus (Cambridge, 1991)

J.L. Rowlandson, Landowners and Tenants in Roman Egypt: The Social Relations of Agriculture in the Oxyrhynchite Nome (Oxford, 1996): studies land leases

P. Sarris, Economy and Society in the Age of Justinian (Cambridge, 2006)

M. Schnebel, Die Landwirtschaft im hellenistischen Ägypten (München, 1925)

D.J. Thompson, Memphis under the Ptolemies (Princeton, NJ, 1988)

A.M.F.W. Verhoogt, Menches, Komogrammateus of Kerkeosiris (Leiden, 1998)

Historical studies of a single archive

NB: after P.W. Pestman, A Guide to the Zenon Archive 1-2 (Leiden, 1981)

W. Clarysse & K. Vandorpe, Zénon, un homme d’affaires grec à l’ombre des pyramides (Leuven, 1995)

X. Durand, Des Grecs en Palestine au IIIe siècle avant Jésus-Christ. Le dossier syrien des archives de Zénon de Caunos (261-252) (Paris, 1997): with texts and translations

G. Messeri Savorelli & R. Pintaudi, I Papiri dell’archivio di Zenon a Firenze (Firenze, 1993)

C. Orrieux, Les papyrus de Zénon. L’horizon d’un grec en Égypte au IIIe siècle avant J.-C. (Paris, 1983): with many translated texts

C. Orrieux, Zénon de Caunos, parépidèmos, et le destin grec (Paris, 1985)

T. Reekmans, La consommation dans les archives de Zénon (Brussels, 1996)

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© Peter van Minnen 2007