Alexandria Bibliography


Fundamental study

Fraser, P.M., Ptolemaic Alexandria I-III, Oxford, 1972

* to chapter 1 II (topography based on Strabo) add:

Arnaud, J.-L., Nouvelles données sur la topographie d'Alexandrie antique, BCH 121 (1997), 721-737

Caruso and Daszewski chapters in Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico-romano. Studi in onore di Achille Adriani 1-3, Roma, 1983-1984

Daszewski, W.A., Notes sur la trame urbaine de l'ancienne Alexandrie, CRAI 1994, 423-429

Empereur, J.-Y., De nouveau sur la topographie d'Alexandrie, CRAI 2002, 921-933

Grimm chapter in Alexandria and Alexandrianism, on city planning

Préaux, C., Alexandrie et la chlamyde, ChrEg 43 (1968), 176-187, on the shape of the city

Rodziewicz and Tomlinson chapters in Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico-romano. I Centenario del Museo Greco-Romano, Roma, 1995

* to chapter 2 II, periods I-II (population) add:

Burkhalter chapter in Mégapoles méditerranéennes, Paris, Rome, 2000

Jähne, A., Politische Aktivität der Bevölkerung Alexandreias am Ende des 3. Jh. v.u.Z. (nach Polybios), Klio 58 (1976), 405-423

* on chapter 3 I-II (constitution), see Textual evidence below

* to chapter 6 II (Museum) and III (Library) add:

Bagnall, R.S., Alexandria: library of dreams, PAPS 146 (2002), 348-362

Canfora chapter in Jacob and de Polignac (ed.), English edition

El-Abbadi chapter in Alexandria, Real and Imagined

Barnes chapter in MacLeod, Roy (Ed.), The Library of Alexandria, London, New York, 2000

Mossé chapter in Jacob and de Polignac (ed.), English edition

Seidensticker, B., Alexandria: die Bibliothek der Könige und die Wissenschaften, A. Demandt (ed.), Stätten des Geistes, Köln, Wien, 1999, 15-37

Textual evidence


Bernand, É., Inscriptions grecques d'Alexandrie ptolemaïque, Le Caire, 2001

Borkowski, Zbigniew, Inscriptions des factions à Alexandrie, Varsovie, 1981

Kayser, F., Recueil des inscriptions grecques et latines, non funéraires, d'Alexandrie impériale, Cairo, 1994


Bell, H.I., Jews and Christians in Alexandria, London, British Museum, 1924

Dikaiomata. Auszüge aus alexandrinischen Gesetzen und Verordnungen, Berlin, 1913

Vélissaropoulos, J.P., Alexandrinoi nomoi, Athens, Komotini, 1981

Recent excavations general

Alexandria: The Submerged Royal Quarters, London, 1998 (Goddio)

Sunken Egypt, London, 2004 (Goddio)

Egypt’s Sunken Treasures, München and New York, 2006 (Goddio)

Empereur, Jean-Yves, Alexandria Rediscovered. London, 1998

Empereur, J.-Y., Recherches reecentes à Alexandrie, RA 1998, 176-185

McKenzie, J.S., Glimpsing Alexandria from archaeological evidence, JRA 16 (2003), 35-61

McKenzie, J.S., S. Gibson and A.T. Reyer, Reconstructing the Serapeum in Alexandria from the archaeological evidence, JRS 94 (2004), 73-114 (appendix 115-119 by J.S. McKenzie, G. Grimm)

Alexandrie (a series of publications on the Polish excavations in Kom el-Dikka)

Kiss chapter in Bagnall, R.S. (ed.), Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300-700, Cambridge 2007

Egyptian site (what was there before)

Baines article in JRA 16 (2003), 61-63 (contra Chauveau)

Chauveau chapter in Alexandrie. Une mégapole cosmopolite

Favard-Meeks and Meeks chapter in Jacob and de Polignac (ed.), English edition

Thompson, D.J., Alexandria, the city by the sea, BSAA 46 (2001), 73-79, resistance


Davesne chapter in Empereur (ed.), Commerce et artisanat dans l'Alexandrie hellénistique et romaine, Athens, Paris, 1999, third-century follow-up

Le Rider, Georges, Alexandre le Grand. Monnaie, finances et politique, Paris, 2003, chapter on Alexandria

Marcellesi, M.-C., À propos des monnaies macédoniennes et grecques étrangères trouvées à Alexandrie, BSFN 58 (2003), 17-22, complements Le Rider

Visual representations

Handler, S., Architecture on the Roman Coins of Alexandria, AJA 75 (1971), 57-74, 330

Nauerth, C., Antike Hafenbilder – das Beispiel Alexandria, SAK 26 (1998), 191-202

Grand Procession and zoo

Goukowsky chapter in Jacob and de Polignac (ed.), English edition

Rice, E.E., The Grand Procession of Ptolemy Philadelphus, Oxford, 1983, text

Thompson, D.J., Philadelphus' procession: dynastic power in a Mediterranean context, L. Mooren (ed.), Politics, Society and Administration, Leuven, 2000, 365-388

Trinquier, J., Localisation et fonctions des animaux sauvages dans l'Alexandrie lagide: la question du "zoo d'Alexandrie", MÉFRA 114 (2002), 861-919

Wikander, C., Pomp and circumstance: the procession of Ptolemaios II, OpAth 19 (1982), 143-150

Harbors and lighthouse

Empereur, J.-Y., N. Grimal, Les fouilles sous-marines du phare d'Alexandrie, CRAI 1997, 693-712

Fraser, P.M., The Diolkos of Alexandria, JEA 47 (1961) pp. 134-138

Préaux, C., Alexandrie, Les grandes escales (Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin 32.1), Bruxelles, 1974, 89-93


Empereur, J.-Y., La nécropole de Gabbari à Alexandrie, CRAI 1998, 155-162

Empereur, J.-Y., M.-D. Nenna (ed.), Nécropolis 1-2.2, Le Caire, 2001-2003

Venit, M.S., The Monumental Tombs of Ancient Alexandria, Cambridge, 2002

Domestic space

Hennig, D., Strassen und Stadtviertel in der griechischen Polis, Chiron 30 (2000), 585-615, part on Alexandria

Hoepfner, W., Geschichte des Wohnens 1, 1999, 455-471

Jähne, A., Immobiles Eigentum und Bürgerrecht im ptolemäischen Alexandria, Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses 1, Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1997, 504-510


Barclay, J.M.G., Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora, Edinburgh, 1995

Gruen, E.S., Diaspora: Jews Amidst Greeks and Romans, Cambridge, MA, 2002

Modrzejewski, J., The Jews of Egypt, Edinburgh, 1995

Schimanowski, G., Juden und Nichtjuden in Alexandrien, Berlin, 2006


Jakab, Attila, Ecclesia alexandrina. Évolution sociale et institutionnelle du christianisme alexandrin (IIe et IIIe siècles), Bern, P. Lang, 2001

Martin, Annick, Athanase d'Alexandrie et l'Église d'Égypte au IVe siècle (328-373), Rome, École française, 1996

Thélamon, F., Païens et chrétiens au IVe siècle. L'apport de l'"Histoire ecclésiastique" de Rufin d'Aquilée, Paris, 1981

History general

Ballet, P., La vie quotidienne à Alexandrie, 331-30 av. J.-C., Paris, 1999

Bernand, A., Alexandrie des Ptolémées, Paris, 1995

Braunert, H., Grosstadt und Grosstadtprobleme im Altertum, idem, Politik, Recht und Gesellschaft in der griechisch-römischen Antike, Stuttgart, 1980, 11-28

Chauveau chapter in Jacob, C. et F. de Polignac (ed.), Alexandria, Third Century BC: The Knowledge of the World in a Single City, Alexandria, 2002, on Ptolemy II

Clauss, M., Alexandria. Schicksale einer antiken Weltstadt, München, 2003

Delia, Diana, Alexandrian Citizenship During the Roman Principate, Atlanta, Georgia, Scholars Press, 1991

Empereur, J.-Y., Alexandria: Jewel of Egypt, New York, 2002

Finneran, N., Alexandria: A City and Myth, Stroud, 2005

Haas, Christopher, Alexandria in Late Antiquity. Topography and Social Conflict, Baltimore - London, 1997

Harris, W.V., and G. Ruffini (eds.), Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece, Leiden and Boston, 2004

Heinen chapter in Alexandrien. Kulturbegegnungen dreier Jahrtausende im Schmelztiegel einer mediterranen Grossstadt, Mainz, 1981

Maehler, H., Alexandria, H.S. Smith and R.M. Hall (Edd.), Ancient Centres of Egyptian Civilization, London, 1983, 87-96

Pesando, F., Alessandria, Emanuele Greco (a cura di), La città greca antica. Istituzioni, società e forme urbane, Roma, 1999, 431-451

Rowlandson, J., Town and country in Ptolemaic Egypt, A. Erskine (ed.), A Companion to the Hellenistic World, Oxford, 2003, 249-263

Steen, Gareth L. (ed.), Alexandria, the Site and the History, New York, London, 1993

Visser, C.E., Götter und Kulte im ptolemäischen Alexandrien, Amsterdam, 1938

Whitehorne, John, Becoming an Alexandrian Citizen, Comunicazioni. Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" 4, Firenze, 2001, 25-34

Archaeology general

NB: To keep up to date, look at the annual report on Alexandria in BCH (from 1999 onward) and the annual survey on archaeology in Egypt (all periods) in Orientalia and the briefer one in Egyptian Archaeology

Adriani, A., La tomba di Alessandro. Realtà, ipotesi e fantasie, Roma, 2000

Ashton chapter in Alexandria, Real and Imagined, Aldershot, 2004, on art

Bernand, A. and F. Goddio, L'Égypte engloutie, London, 2002

Élaigne, S., Imitations locales de céramiques fines importées: le cas des "colour-coated ware" dans les contextes hellénistiques d'Alexandrie, Cahiers de la céramique égyptienne 6 (2000), 99-112

Empereur chapter in Jacob and de Polignac (ed.), English edition

Empereur, J.-Y. (ed.), Alexandrina 1-2, Le Caire, 1998-2002

Empereur chapter in Alexandrie. Une mégapole cosmopolite, Paris, 1999

La gloire d'Alexandrie, Paris, 1998, exhibition catalogue

Grimm, G., Alexandria. Die erste Königsstadt der hellenistischen Welt, Mainz, 1998

Lauter, H., Les éléments de la "regia" hellénistique, E. Levy (ed.), Le système palatial en Orient, en Grèce et à Rome, Leiden, 1987, 345-355

McKenzie chapter in Alexandria and Alexandrianism, Malibu, 1996, on baroque architecture

Nielsen, I., Hellenistic Palaces: Tradition and Renewal, second edition, Aarhus, 1999

Pfrommer, M., Alexandria im Schatten der Pyramiden, Mainz, 1999, color reconstructions

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© Peter van Minnen 2007

Work in progress!

A translation of all documents from ancient Alexandria that survive on papyrus.


Adriani, A., Repertorio d'arte dell'Egitto greco-romano C 1-2, Bergamo, 1966 (A. Adriani, Topografia)

Bonacasa, Nicola (ed.), Repertorio d'arte dell'Egitto greco-romano C 3, 1993 (P. Pensabene, Elementi architettonici)

Calderini, A., Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici dell’Egitto greco-romano 1.1, Cairo, 1935

Cohen, G.M., The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa (2006) 355-381 and 409-423

Tkaczow, B., The Topography of Ancient Alexandria, Warsaw, 1993