
(User Manual)

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See the navigation page.

You can get to this layout from the layout menu under Data Entry -> TrayNum.

This screenshot is from the 8_7 database but acts the same way as the 1_1 database.

This table provides the raw data for the Where is the Pottery? link on the Context-x-Pottery layouts.

Data Entry-In the field

All Trays need to be numbered. Enter the number and label in the proper fields (a and b), then the location (c) and Notes, if needed. Tray numbers need to be unique.

The bags inside the trays should be labeled by SU. Enter the SUs in the Bag Num field (f). The weight and notes are not mandatory. Enter the quantity of bags in the Qty field (i). That field normally auto-enters 1. The red x (j) will remove that row from the list of bags in the Tray. It is not necessary to pre-add bags of the same SU. See above where 18023 is listed twice, each with quantity 1. The database will add the bag quantities when creating the report.

The total number of bags shows up in the middle of the layout (e).

<-Bibliography-Detail Pot Quant Entry->