
(Dev Manual)

One record = one class/part of pottery of any quantity

General Info

This table records the initial trench-side read of the pottery from a particular SU

The data included in this table is different from the data in the Ceramics table, and is considered a completely different read on the pottery. Differences between the two tables include the counting of multiple vessel parts in one record (Ceramics) instead of breaking those down to constituent parts (QuantPottery). The Ceramics table also includes fields such as Type, Max Vessels, Provenience, Function Group, Form, Epgraphy, PercRims, and Decoration.


Right now QuantPottery is only related to the SU table vial SU::SU = QuantPottery::SU.

Edit Data

Data is added to this table via the Pot Quant Entry layout.

<- Properties ReportPhases ->