Numbering Conventions

(User Manual)

It is unavoidable: Archaeological field projects generate lots of numbers. This will help you with how numbers are formatted in the Porta Stabia project to help you with finding records in the database.

Trench Numbers: are defined as a number. These are integers divisible by 1000.

SU Numbers: are also defined as numbers. These are alwo integers.

Wall Segments: These start with ws and are padded to three decimal spaces. ws001, ws002, etc.

Wall Faces: These start with wf and are padded to three decimal spaces: wf001, wf002, etc.

Photo Numbers: For 1.1, i1ps and five digits with leading zeros. The ps can be appended with the letter of the digital camera for i1psa, i1psb, i1psc00987.jpg.

Pottery sherd numbers are extended from the SU number and end in the letter P. 45002-1P.

Bone fragments, like Pottery sherds, are extended from the SU number and end in the letter B. 45002-1B.

<-Data Entry Order Artifact Numbering ->