
(User Manual)

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See the navigation page.

Data Entry-In the field

A trench record needs to be entered before any SUs can be entered.

Enter the full trench number (an integer divisible by 1000) in the second Name field (e). The short name to the left of the full name will automatically be entered.

Enter the year of excavation in the Year field (f).

Enter the name of the trench supervisor in the Supervisor field (g).

It shouldn't be that difficult to add a short description as above (h) for the location.

Report Phases (l) are entered during the field season.

Data Entry-Post Season

The trench location is often added after the season since the trench outlines can change so much.

Canonical Phases (k) are entered after the field season.

Documents (j) are entered after the field project is finished.

The area (m) is used for the trench summary that is part of the final field report.

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