Context-Report Phases-Info

(User Manual)

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See the navigation page.

Data Entry-In the field

These are the phases as assigned in the field.

This layout is the best place to enter Phase information.

When a new record is created, you must enter the full trench number (a).

Enter the Report Phase number (R+2digit trench name+.+phase number, lower number is earliest) (b). Later this phase might be wholly assigned a different canonical phase. That number will appear on this layout (c).

It shouldn't be that difficult to add a short description as above (d).

The long description (e), right now, is obtained from the final report. Soon it will be typed into the database instead of the report, and viewed here.

Likewise, the Date Range, Significant SUs and Significant Finds (f, g, h) are all remnants of the old trench report format and might change soon.

The list of contained SUs is entered here (i). To remove an SU from the phase, use the red x (j).

Data Entry-Post Season

For the 2010 season, most of this was entered afterwards from the final report.

Report Phases and Canonical Phases might have different SUs so there might not be a 1:1 renaming of the phases.

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