
(Dev Manual)]

One record = one color

General Info

The color table is there to provide a storage for color chips related to Munsell charts as well as the dots used for validation purposes. Not all of the Munsell numbers that we encounter have color chips.


Each table that requires validation is related to a separate occurrence of the Color table. That is why there are so many of them on the relationship chart.

The Color table has a field named Labels, which stores the title (or Munsell number) of the image. Most tables that require validation return a 'y' if the record validates. The field that holds the 'y' is related to the various occurrences of the Color table in the database. If a single table needs to validate more than one field, it will have to related to multiple instances of the Color table.

Edit Data

There is no direct link to the Color table. It is accessed through the layout menu under Raw Tables-Color.

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