Audit Trail

(Dev Manual)

An audit trail tracks all additions and edits to a field. In this database it is handled by script triggers to certain fields. 

The scripts for the audit trail are all in the script folder named Process Monitoring.

When you enter the field, the script CaptureAuditOnEnter runs. This places data in variables: auditFieldname, auditFieldOriginalValue, audit UUIDLocal). When you leave the field one more variable is created: auditFieldNewValue. If auditFieldOriginalValue is different than auditFieldNewValue, a record is created in the auditTrail table and all of those variables are put in fields, along with the account name of the person who edited the record and the timestamp of the modification.

The audit trail will only work when data is manually entered. If data is changed by a replace command or a set field command, that won’t appear in the audit trail.


You can access the auditTrail table via the layout menu at Admin->AuditTrail. You can also click into a field that has the proper script trigger and select ‘Show history of this field’ from the script menu.


There is no need to sync the auditTrail table. None of the records should change. But the script 1_1 Import Audit Trail, which starts the syncing process, does import the child auditTrail records so that changes to the fields can be tracked among all devices.
