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Loading map.L02 Maryeli Farfa ti Rahi (1)
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Periods Represented
Max Dimension
30 m. (NE/SW) x 15 m. (NW/SE)
Actual Area in Hectares
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Total (T) => Grid (G 10 m.)
Location and Description

Site L2 is located on a knoll top, ca. 1.1 km. NNW of Maryeli. Artifacts were concentrated on the top of the knoll, in a flat grassy meadow[093.02] at its W edge; the site appears to have extended into maquis and dense forest on the E and into olive groves on the S slopes of the knoll.

Debris from recent bulldozing has been pushed to the N edge of the meadow. In the meadow itself are the remains of three parallel walls (3.4 m. min. pres. L.; 20.8 m. min. pres. L.; and 8.1 m. min. pres. L.), the western ends of which have been destroyed, probably by the bulldozer.[093.03] All are built of irregular limestone blocks, stacked one-three courses high. The walls may be old field boundaries or terrace walls.

McDonald and Hope Simpson reported HL lamps at a "spot called Farma Rachi", perhaps to be identified with Site L2 (see also Site L5).

Intervisible sites
Maryeli Koutsouveri (L1); Profitis Elias
Artifact Summary

A very small quantity of pottery and tile was collected from the site. This material was extremely worn and consists mainly of small fragments with no original surface preserved. There are a few Hellenistic sherds, and one possible Geometric?, but most of the pottery is not chronologically diagnostic. Very little fine ware was collected. The majority of the material appears to be tile, but the condition of the material makes it difficult to differentiate clearly between tile and coarse wares in many instances. The tiles are very thin, and heavy. The fabric in the ceramic material from this site is unusual, redder and coarser than that found in other material from the survey.

UMME # 116; AD (1969) 143.
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