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Loading map.K05 Gargaliani Krystallopiyi
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Periods Represented
(HL-R), R, R-Byz, EMod, Mod<br/>Tile: Byz-Turk
Max Dimension
300 m. (NE/SW) x 170 m. (NW/SE)
Actual Area in Hectares
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Selection (S) => Micro-tract (M) => Vac. circle (VC)
Location and Description

Site K5 is located on gentle slopes NW of the hill of Ayia Sotira, ca. 3.3 km. NW of Gargaliani. The site is almost entirely covered with olive trees, both young and mature.

There is a modern three-storey house in the S central part of the site. To the N of the house is an E-W rubble wall, approximately 130 m. L., filled with potsherds and tile fragments, ancient and modern. In places the wall is as high as 1.0-1.5 m. and is as thick as 2 m. Near the E end of the wall is a very large pile of stone, pottery and tile (at least 5 m. D. x 2 m. H.), heaped against its S face.

Ca. 10 m. S of the E end of the wall is a modern lime kiln, ca. 5 m. in diameter. Its earthen walls are very burnt and adhering to them are vitrified deposits.[088.21] The maquis-covered hill slopes E of the kiln are terraced, but not currently cultivated.

It seems likely that the impressive amount of stone used to built the wall was scavenged from collapsed ancient buildings, and that the kiln was also placed here to take advantage of this ready source of limestone.

Most diagnostic pottery was found near the lime kiln.

Intervisible sites
Artifact Summary

Most of the pottery collected from this site is non-diagnostic, and consists of worn body fragments of coarse-ware storage vessels and tile. These worn sherds, on the basis of their fabric, may be dated broadly to the Historic era, but probably cluster more in the Roman-Byzantine to Early Modern periods. Tract material supports a broad date range of Roman-Modern for the entire site.

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