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Loading map.C05 Hora Kato Englianos
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Periods Represented
Max Dimension
(PoN III) 7.66-7.71 m. (D. chamber); 8.10 m. (L. dromos); 2.35-2.25 m. (W. dromos)
Actual Area in Hectares
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Not collected as a site
Location and Description

The Kato Englianos tholos [094.20], excavated by Blegen (PoN III: 73-95 [Tholos III]), sits on the crest of the Kato Englianos ridge[094.30], approximately 900 m. SW of the Palace of Nestor. At the NNE edge of the tholos, a modern well, associated with an adjacent fieldhouse, was inserted into the chamber of the tomb before it was excavated. The fieldhouse originally stood over the tomb, but was rebuilt by Blegen. Many of its blocks appear to have been robbed from the tholos. The dromos of the tomb faces S, and is covered with maquis at its southern end. The tomb is otherwise surrounded by a field of weedy olives. The tomb had been extensively plundered, but finds included gold, faience, glasspaste, ivory and amber, as well as a Syro-Palestinian amphora bearing an incised mark. Intensive tract-walking by our team in the vicinity of the tomb (Tracts C-92-118/119) produced no significant additional finds, other than some generally MH-LH pottery.

Intervisible sites
Tragana Voroulia (C3) (along the line of the dromos); Petrohori; Bay of Navarino.
Artifact Summary

No artifacts catalogued.

PoN III: 73-95; UMME #1
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