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Loading map.K04 Gargaliani Koutsouveri
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Periods Represented
Ott-EMod, (Mod)<br/>Tile: Ott-EMod
Max Dimension
40 m. (E-W) x 20 m. (N-S)
Actual Area in Hectares
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Total (T) => Grid (G 10 m.)
All finds within a 10 m. x 10 m. square around site center (the inner corners of grid squares 111, 211, 311, 411) were counted and designated as NE, SE, SW, NW). A diagnostic grab was then carried out in all grid squares.
Location and Description

Site K4 is located SE of the hill of Ayia Sotira, ca. 2.5 km. NW of the outskirts of Gargaliani. Its focus is a small oblong mound, standing about 1-2 m. high above the olive grove that surrounds it.[107.10] Most olives are mature; two older trees grow on the mound itself. To the N, E and S, the mound slopes gently into the adjacent fields, but falls more sharply to the W.[088.13] At its E end is a large pile of stone and brush; there is an isolated chunk of bedrock at its W end.

Intervisible sites
Gargaliani Ayia Sotira (K2)
Artifact Summary

Pottery is uniform in fabric. Most of the collected material consists of roof tiles of the Turkish-Early Modern period. Many fragments show traces of finger marks. Thin-walled storage vessels from this period are concentrated in the center of the site.

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