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Loading map.C03 Tragana Voroulia
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Periods Represented
Max Dimension
20 m. (N-S) x 25 m. (E-W)
Actual Area in Hectares
0.03 ha.
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Total (T) Grid (G 10 m.)
Location and Description

In 1956 Marinatos excavated at Voroulia a small room, apparently once part of a larger structure. The site lies on the slopes of the Tragana ridge, in an olive grove near a large modern whitewashed villa some 300 m. NNE of Tragana village.[088.30][107.21] A few scraps of the walls uncovered by Marinatos can still be seen in the NE part of the site, next to the Tragana-Ambelofyto road.[101.32]

Artifacts are concentrated within a small area on the first three terraces below (to the E of) the road. The terraces are covered with weeds and planted with both young and mature olives, and in places are supported by stone walls. There are no surface indications that the complex explored by Marinatos was very large. Pottery from contiguous off-site tracts is sparse, and diagnostic pieces are of much later date (Byz-Mod).

Intervisible sites
Hora Palace of Nestor (B7); Koryfasio Pisaski
Artifact Summary

The small amount of pottery collected from this site ranges in date from Middle Helladic to LH IIIA. Few pieces are diagnostic; the rest are dated by fabric alone. The site is discrete and well-defined; pottery from contiguous off-site tracts is sparse, and diagnostic pieces are of much later date (Byzantine-Modern).

UMME #12; PHSP1: 239-240 [45]; Ergon (1956) 90; Prakt (1956) 202; (1976) 253, 271-81; Lolos 1987: 60-95.
All texts and images made available through The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: Internet Edition are for personal use only. Reproduction of these materials without prior permission is prohibited.