PRAP Pottery Database
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Most of the records in the PRAP Pottery Database have not been edited since initial data entry in the field. They are provided as a courtesy to the archaeological community and should not be taken as definitive.
Standard ReferenceWareFormPartQuant.  Diam.Circ. Pres.Other Dims.
G94-9010961GR-02Eastern Mediterranean AmphoraLRA05/6Body1  
Start PeriodEnd PeriodSherd Specific Dates
LR (begins 400)LR (ends 600)/
Collection UnitSiteAssociationCollection Type
G94-9010961G01G001SPMicroTract - Grab
Form Description:Single body sherd of Northern Palestinian storage jar.
Fabric Description:Hard, dense, gritty dark grey, fully fired, occasional small rounded white inclusions. Interior fired dark brown.
Surface:Narrow, shallow, evenly spaced wheel-ridges on exterior surface.
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