PRAP Image Database
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091.12Yes (show preview)From modern church of Ay. Konstantinos/ view from S of Sites M01 and M02 with Gargalianoi, Lefki quarry and OTE mast in background.
091.13Yes (show preview)From modern church of Ay. Konstantinos 70mm zoom on Site M02 with Site M01 visible in corner.
091.14Yes (show preview)General view of modern church of Ayios Konstantinos from slopes above, view to SE
110.25Yes (show preview)from modern church of Ay. Konstantinos/ view from S of Site M01 and M02, with Gargalianoi, Lefki quarry and OTE mast in background.
110.26Yes (show preview)from modern church of Ay. Konstantinos/ 70mm zoom on Site M02 with Site M01 visible in corner.
250.18Yes (show preview)Site M02, Kalantina (2): Geometric bowl

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