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096.09Yes (show preview)Site I04: terracotta paving slab/ brick with mortar ontop, showing diagonal incision.
096.10Yes (show preview)Site I04: three examples of terracotta paving slabs/ bricks with diagonal incisions and mortar adhering.
096.11Yes (show preview)Site I04: wide angle view of cemetery church (Ypapamitsi tou Hristou) in left of frame/ looking NW.
096.12Yes (show preview)Site I04: wide angle view of enclosure wall around cemetery church, with church in background/ to NNW.
114.15Yes (show preview)Site I01: ridge seen from Site I04 (Romanou)/ lookig SE.
114.16Yes (show preview)Site I04: terracotta paving slab/ brick with mortar ontop, showing diagonal incision.
114.17Yes (show preview)Site I04: three examples of terracotta paving slabs/ bricks with diagonal incisions and mortar adhering.
114.18Yes (show preview)Site I04: wide angle view of cemetery church (Ypapamitsi tou Hristou) in left of frame/ looking NW.
114.19Yes (show preview)Site I04: wide angle view of enclosure wall around cemetery church, with church in background/ to NNW.
152.02Yes (show preview)Magnetometry near Romanou: H-G Jansen, M Jansen
152.14Yes (show preview)Architectural block found and later recoverd from Site I04: Romanou, SF0574
155.03Yes (show preview)Site I04: Romanou: LH pottery density
155.04Yes (show preview)Site I04: Romanou: Geometric pottery density
155.05Yes (show preview)Site I04: Romanou: Archaic-Classical pottery density
155.06Yes (show preview)Site I04: Romanou: Roman pottery density
156.09Yes (show preview)PRAP 1993: Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town, and Site I04, Romanou, pottery density
204.10Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Mixed pottery group (mainly post-Bronze Age)
204.15Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: three associated sherds of ridged or combed Byz amphora
204.17Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: broken chert core
204.19Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: obsidian core (photographed with shadow)
204.34Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: R body sherd with raised inscription "XAPIS"
204.36Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: R mold-made sherd with raised "arcs"
205.22Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Turk-Mod glazed and decorated bowls
205.26Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Various lithics
205.30Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: obsidian core
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