PRAP Image Database
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233.20Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou:
233.24Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou:
233.28Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou:
233.30Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou:
233.34Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou, and Site G01, Dialiskari:
234.02Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou:
234.05Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou:
236.06Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: coin of Aurelian, obverse
236.10Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: coin of Aurelian, reverse
236.11Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: coin of Constantius II, obverse
236.13Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: coin of Constantius II, reverse
238.07Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Coin of Constantius II, obverse
238.14Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Coin of Constantius II, reverse
238.23Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Coin of Aurelian, obverse
238.30Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Coin of Aurelian, reverse
243.12Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Ring base
244.08Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Loomweight
244.20Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Krater rim
244.23Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Krater rim
245.12Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Roman bowl with inscription
245.14Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Roman bowl
245.16Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Red ware with rouletting
246.24Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: lithics
246.29Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town, and Site I04, Romanou: Bronze Age arrowheads
248.22Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: lithics (various views)
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