PRAP Image Database
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105.06sealstone fr. Beilerbei, (on file in Madison)
105.07plasticene impression & sealstone fr. Beilerbei (macro lens),
105.08plasticene impression & sealstone fr. Beilerbei (macro lens), (on file in Madison)
114.11Yes (show preview)Site I01: view of N end of ridge/ to SSE.
114.15Yes (show preview)Site I01: ridge seen from Site I04 (Romanou)/ lookig SE.
144.07Fig. 13: Early Helladic, Middle Helladic, and Early Mycenaean pottery (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.08Fig. 14: Middle Helladic III-Late Helladic II pottery (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.10Fig. 16: Mycenaean pottery and small finds (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
152.11Yes (show preview)Site I01: Beylerbey, detail showing auger coring by E Zangger (TM#39) assisted by C Bryan (TM#44) and Son Nguyen (TM#61).
203.31Yes (show preview)Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (obverse, tipped, in raking light, with scale)
203.32Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (obverse, tipped, in raking light, with scale)
203.33Yes (show preview)Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (obverse, flat, 1:1 with no scale)
203.34Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (obverse, flat, 1:1 with no scale)
203.35Yes (show preview)Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (top edge, with scale)
203.36Yes (show preview)Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone with impression
203.37Yes (show preview)Site I01, Belerbey: impression of LH lentoid sealstone
203.38Site I01, Belerbey: impression of LH lentoid sealstone
204.09Yes (show preview)Early Mod-Mod pottery group
204.25Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (obverse)
204.26Yes (show preview)Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (obverse)
204.27Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (side)
204.28Yes (show preview)Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (side)
204.29Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (in raking light)
204.30Yes (show preview)Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (in raking light)
204.31Site I01, Belerbey: LH lentoid sealstone (tipped, in raking light)
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