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080.19Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Concrete over "drain 2" to left of wall 4 (close-up)
080.20Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Entrance to hypocaust
080.21Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Close-up of layers above hypocaust cutting - floors
080.22Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Inside hypocaust
080.23Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Inside hypocaust
080.24Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: "square feature" and tile hole, above hypocaust, from S.
080.25Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: "square feature" from SE.
080.26Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: "Frigidarium" curving masonry wall, from SE
080.27Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: "Frigidarium" curving masonry wall, looking SE
080.28Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: "Frigidarium" curving masonry wall, looking E
080.29Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: General view of "Frigidarium" , looking E
080.30Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: General view of "Frigidarium" , looking E
080.31Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Fallen masonry chunk - "collapse", looking E
080.32Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: pink mortar with crushed ceramic fragments, attached to chunk of brick or tile masonry
080.33Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: "cross-section" of terrace scarp, looking S
080.34Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: "cross-section" of terrace scarp, looking S
080.35Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Large piece of mortared masonry, lying E of "cross section" wall, looking S (probably not in situ)
088.31Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: possible quarry cuttings in coastline N. of Ay. Nikolaos Bay, from E. JLD for scale.
088.32Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view of Ay. Nikolaos Bay with boats and coastline from NW.
088.33Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view of Ay. Nikolaos Bay with boats and coastline from NW.
088.34Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: View along coastline from NW end of site looking SE to Ay. Nikolaos Bay, church, and Prof. Ilias in left of shot.
088.35Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: andesite millstone fragment found in marble pile near goat pen; pen marks drill hole.
089.24Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Marble.
089.26Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Marble.
089.28Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Marble.
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