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042.07Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Modern House NW of "Mosaic House" with bulldozed area in front
042.08Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Salt Pans (Medeval?) - general view from E, Island of Proti in background
042.09Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up of Salt Pans (Medeval?) from E
042.10Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up of Salt Pans (Medeval?) from E
042.11Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view N along coast from Salt Pans
042.12Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view N along coast from Salt Pans
042.13Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view N along coast from Salt Pans
042.14Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up (with scale) of "illicit" excavation of hypocaust
042.15Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up (with scale) of "illicit" excavation of hypocaust
042.16Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up (with scale) of "illicit" excavation of hypocaust
042.17Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up (with scale) of "illicit" excavation of hypocaust
042.18Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up of hypocaust pillar to left of excavation, with scale (flash)
042.19Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up of hypocaust pillar to left of excavation, with scale (flash)
042.20Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: detail of hypocaust excvation
042.21Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: detail of hypocaust excvation with scale (flash)
042.22Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: View of circular structure N (c. 20m) of hypocaust excavations.
042.23Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: View of circular structure N (c. 20m) of hypocaust excavations.
042.24Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: View of circular structure N (c. 20m) of hypocaust excavations.
042.25Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up of end of wall ca. 30m N of hypocaust with scale and John Bennet (TM#4) indicating find spot of rouletted African Red Slip plate (picked up the following year: G94-9011031GR-02).
042.26Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: John Bennet (TM#4) holding ARS plate (picked up the following year: G94-9011031GR-02)
042.27Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up of end of wall ca. 30m N of hypocaust
042.28Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: close-up of end of wall ca. 30m N of hypocaust
044.07Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Church of Ayios Nikolaos from SE
044.08Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Church of Ayios Nikolaos close-up of cut blocks in E wall
044.09Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view S of possible ancient brick structure immediately W of church of Ayios Nikolaos
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