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027.32Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: bone and tile on top of scarp edge
027.33Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: E acropolis wall foundations, looking SW from NE corner of Grid Square
027.34Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: Nigel Spencer (TM#32) at triangulated point, from SE
027.35Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: Nigel Spencer (TM#32) at triangulated point, from W
027.36Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: large worked block fallen into NW corner of Grid Square, from S
033.01Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp to W: Island of Proti. Distant view of Site D01, Kanalos
033.02Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp to W: Island of Proti. Distant view of Site D01, Kanalos
033.03Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp to W: Island of Protiand coastal plain below Gargaliani. Distant view of Site D01, Kanalos.
033.04Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp to W: Island of Protiand coastal plain below Gargaliani. Distant view of Site D01, Kanalos.
033.05Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp to W: Island of Protiand coastal plain below Gargaliani. Distant view of Site D01, Kanalos.
034.01Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: general view to E from W half of acropolis. Sue Alcock (TM#1) in middle of picture.
034.02Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: general view to E from W half of acropolis. Sue Alcock (TM#1) in middle of picture.
034.03Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: view to N from central acropolis, possible top of wall in foreground
034.04Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: view to N from central acropolis, possible top of wall in foreground
034.05Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: view to S over mound (tumulus?) at E end of acropolis
034.06Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: view from N along E scarp of acropolis (bulldozer cut?) . John Bennet (TM#4) for scale.
034.07Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: view from N along E scarp of acropolis (bulldozer cut?). John Bennet (TM#4) for scale.
034.08Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up (with scale) of cut stone block on E acropolis
034.09Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up (with scale) of cut stone block on E acropolis
034.10Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: acropolis viewed from NE
034.11Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: acropolis viewed from NE
034.12Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: acropolis viewed from N showing possible Cyclopean wall
034.13Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: acropolis viewed from N showing possible Cyclopean wall (vertical shot).
034.14Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up of possible Cyclopean wall on N slope of acropolis
034.15Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up of possible Cyclopean wall on N slope of acropolis
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