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034.16Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: acropolis viewed from a rise, from the NW looking SE
034.17Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: acropolis viewed from a rise, from the NW looking SE
034.18Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: acropolis viewed from a rise, from the NW looking S
034.19Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: acropolis viewed from a rise (telephoto just of acropolis).
034.20Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: E half of acropolis viewed from a rise.
034.21Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up of central part of acropolis showing possible Cyclopean wall viewed from a rise.
034.22Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: general view of whole acropolis viewed from a rise.
042.29Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up (with scale) of tile grave on S side of acropolis
042.30Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up (with scale) of tile grave on S side of acropolis
042.31Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up (with scale) of cist grave on top of acropolis (W side)
042.32Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up (with scale) of cist grave on top of acropolis (W side)
042.33Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up (with scale) of cist grave on top of acropolis (W side). A closer view to show recessed edge.
042.34Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: general view over W half of acropolis looking W, including cist grave
042.35Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: general view over W half of acropolis looking W, including cist grave
047.01Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp: view to W over coastal palin including Site D01 (Kanalos) and Island of Proti and Marathopolis
047.02Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp: view of coastal palin focusing on Site D01 (Kanalos) and Site G01 (Dialiskari); Marathopolis on right hand edge
047.03Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp: view of coastal palin focusing on Site D01 (Kanalos) and Site G01 (Dialiskari); Marathopolis on right hand edge
047.04Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp: view showing Sites D01 (Kanalos) and D02 (Megas Kambos (1)), Marathopolis and Proti - vertical shot
047.05Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp: long telephoto view showing Sites D01 (Kanalos) and D02 (Megas Kambos (1)), Marathopolis and Proti - vertical shot
047.06Yes (show preview)From Gargaliani scarp: long telephoto view showing Sites D01 (Kanalos) and D02 (Megas Kambos (1)), Marathopolis and Proti
047.07From Gargaliani scarp: long telephoto view showing Sites D01 (Kanalos) and D02 (Megas Kambos (1)), Marathopolis and Proti
047.08Yes (show preview)From dirt road to OTE station S of Gargaliani showing Site D01 (Kanalos), Proti, Marathopolis
051.13Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up of tile grave on S side of acropolis, with scale
051.14Site D01, Kanalos: close-up of tile grave on S side of acropolis, with scale
051.15Site D01, Kanalos: close-up of tile grave on S side of acropolis, with scale
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