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022.02Yes (show preview)view of scarp (and scale) at edge of vineyard E of palace parking lot by main road (stratigraphy)
022.03Yes (show preview)newly cut road running down N face of Englianos ridge
022.04Yes (show preview)newly cut road running down N face of Englianos ridge - lower section of road
062.14Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: General view of stone house NE of Palace of Nestor showing MARWP grid intersection spray painted on tarmac
070.13Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: M Team pick-up. General view of terraces on W side of Palace. Charles Whatkinson, TM#36, points out trackway providing anomalously high densities noted in B94-90740519 and B94-90740619.
072.01Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity stake line, looking W
072.02Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity stake line, looking W
072.03Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity stake line, looking W
072.04Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity, close up of Falko Kuhnke (TM#103), looking W.
072.05Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity, Geophysical team at Palace of Nestor.
072.06Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity, Geophysical team at Palace of Nestor.
072.07Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity, Geophysical team at Palace of Nestor.
072.08Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity, Geophysical team at Palace of Nestor.
072.09Yes (show preview)Geophysical team at rest, pre-departure from Palace of Nestor.
072.31Yes (show preview)Palace ridge (Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town), looking E (from near Site I08, Diakoupia)
073.08Yes (show preview)Group shot at the Palace
074.34Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Resistivity in action - grid preparation. Looking W
074.35Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Resistivity in action - looking down line over stakes, looking W
074.36Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Resistivity in action - looking down line over stakes, looking W
074.37Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Resistivity in action - looking down line over stakes, looking W
079.01Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Meeting point of quadrants 2 (L) and 3 (R), S of parking lot - from N (35mm zoom)
079.02Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. 8200 E/W line by house immediately N of palace fence - boundary between Quad 1 (R) and 4 (L). Points visible on flags are 8200/1820 and 8200/1800 (70mm zoom)
079.03Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Lowest terrace area collected to N of palace - point 8200/1720 visible in mid-terrace, from E (35mm zoom).
079.04Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Points 8200/1740 and 8200/1760 on terrace, from E (50mm zoom)
079.05Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Area of possible chamber tomb, looking due S from point 8220/1780 (35mm zoom)
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