PRAP Image Database
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401.06Site B01, Kalianesi: Cut blocks
401.07Site B01, Kalianesi: Cut blocks
401.08Site B01, Kalianesi: Cut blocks
401.09Site B01, Kalianesi: Cindy Kosso (TM#19) at site
401.10Site B01, Kalianesi: John Bennet (TM#4) at site
404.04Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.05Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.06Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.07Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.08Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.09Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
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